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Welcome to the Homepage for  CM3110
Transport/Unit Operations I (fluid mechanics/steady heat transfer)

Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Prof. Faith A. Morrison        Office Hours

Dr. Morrison     

PP flow
Important Materials
Course Policies Rules, grading policies, advice on doing well (checklist)
Lecture Slides and Videos
This pdf is a course outline by topic and lecture.

Course Syllabus
Schedule of sessions.
Also on this pages are links to study guides, hand notes from class sessions, and planning calendars for the modules.
Final exam:  Thursday, 29 April 2021

Study Guides Study Guides for each module
Hand Notes from Class Sessions
PowerPoints and hand-drawn slides from Dr. Morrison's meetings with the class are posted here.

Planning Calendar
Planning calendar for each module is provided.


Student/Office Hours

Recommended Readings

Homeworks and Exams Homeworks with Answers.
Prior year exams with solutions
Check list for exam taking

DrMorrisonMTU Check out Dr. Morrison's YouTube channel.  Here is a list of her YouTube videos by CM3110 module

Advice on how to study

Movies The 26 National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films are excellent

Supplementary Handouts There's lots of good stuff here, including all handouts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  Text:  An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, by Faith A. Morrison (Cambridge University Press, 2013).  A list of errata (typos) is at that link as well.

An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

This page maintained by fmorriso@mtu.edu.  
Dr. Faith A. Morrison
of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295
Phone:  906-487-2050/Cell 906-487-9703
Fax: 906-487-3213
Messages: fmorriso@mtu.edu

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