subroutine sphere(xq,yq,zq,a,rho,xp,yp,zp,gx,gy,gz) c c SPHERE calculates the three components of gravitational attraction c at a single point due to a uniform sphere. c c Input parameters: c Observation point is (xp,yp,zp), and center of sphere is at c (xq,yq,zq). Radius of sphere is a and density is rho. Density c in units of kg/(m**3). All distance parameters in units of km. c c Ouput parameters: c Gravitational components (gx,gy,gz) in units of mGal. c real km2m data gamma/6.67e-11/,si2mg/1.e5/,pi/3.14159265/,km2m/1.e3/ ierror=0 rx=xp-xq ry=yp-yq rz=zp-zq r=sqrt(rx**2+ry**2+rz**2) if(r.eq.0.)pause 'SPHERE: Bad argument detected.' r3=r**3 tmass=4.*pi*rho*(a**3)/3. gx=-gamma*tmass*rx/r3 gy=-gamma*tmass*ry/r3 gz=-gamma*tmass*rz/r3 gx=gx*si2mg*km2m gy=gy*si2mg*km2m gz=gz*si2mg*km2m return end