Michael Bowler
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Studies
Humanities Department
Michigan Technological University


Link to Curriculum Vita

Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, August 2004
     Advisor: Dr. Stephen Watson

M.A. in Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington

B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, Davis


Research Grant:

As Principle Investigator:

2008 - 2012, National Science Foundation, $344,683  ($299,614 from NSF and $45,069 from Michigan Tech)
"Responsible Conduct of Research in Science and Engineering Education: Moral Motivation and Ethical Sensitivity in Multi-National Graduate Students"  

Short Description: This is a 3-year, $344,683 ($299,614 from NSF and $45,069 from Michigan Tech) grant to study important aspects of ethical behavior that up until now have received little attention, namely, moral motivation and ethical sensitivity.  Under the former is included the personal and professional values that motivate one to act and the latter comprises one's ability to recognize and take account of the ethically relevant elements of situations, e.g., the rights and obligations of those involved, applicable principles and ethical guidelines, and the consequences of particular courses of action, etc.  I lead an interdisciplinary team of researchers from philosophy, cognitive and learning sciences, engineering, mathematics, and technical communication whose task is to study the relation between moral motivation and ethical sensitivity among multi-national science and engineering graduate students.  This projects represents the foundational research that will be required to both understand and improve upon ethics education in science and engineering.  It also furthers our insight into the factors that effect moral behavior and thus will further the study of moral psychology. [Project Description]

Educational Project:

Project Director (2010 - 2015) - International Online Responsible Conduct of Research Training Collaboration. I am Michigan Tech’s project director on a collaborative project sponsored by 22 universities worldwide to develop an international online training program for responsible conduct of research (RCR) in conjunction with the Epigeum Group (http://www.epigeum.com). As a project director, I will help to develop the curriculum for a series of online modules to train faculty and students in responsible conduct of research, beta test the modules at Michigan Tech and suggest improvements to the product, implement tutor-guided workshops using version 1.0 of the online modules at Michigan Tech, and suggest improvements to the design of the modules for the next three years. This will replace the CITI online RCR training that Michigan Tech currently uses. The project is being supported by the Vice President for Research Office and I will be working with the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance to implement the program on campus.

Scholarly Publications: 

Heidegger and Aristotle: Philosophy as Praxis (Continuum: New York and London, 2008). [Information here]
       (Reviews: Philosophy in Review 30.1; Review of Metaphysics 62.4; Choice January 2009)

Hermeneutical Heidegger, co-edited with Ingo Farin (In progress: Northwestern University Press)

Bowler, M.
; Amato-Henderson, S.; Drummer, T.; Holles, J.; Lockhart, T.; Schreiber, J.; Charlesworth, D.; Ren, J., “Does a STEM Researcher’s Role Orientation Predict His or Her Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research?” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education 2011 (June 2011)


Bowler, M.; Amato-Henderson, S.; Drummer, T.; Holles, J.; Lockhart, T.; Schreiber, J.; Charlesworth, D.; Ren, J., “Assessing Role Orientation Among STEM Researcher's: The Development of a Research Role Orientation Inventory," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education 2010 (June 2010)

Bowler, M.
; Amato-Henderson, S.; Drummer, T.; Holles, J.; Lockhart, T.; Schreiber, J.; Charlesworth, D.; Ren, J., "Testing for Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research among Multi-National STEM Researchers," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education 2010 (June 2010)

“A Quarrel Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Aristotle's Realism and Modern Skepticism"    
Newsletter of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy
, vol. 4, no. 2, 2004

“Thinking, Thought, and Nous in Aristotle’s De Anima
Newsletter of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy 1999/2000, no. 4

Invited review of Gadamer’s Dialectical Hermeneutics by Lauren Swayne Barthold
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
, April 2010 (2,870 words)


HU2700 - Introduction to Philosophy, HU2702 - Ethical Theory/Moral Problems, HU4701 - Political Philosophy, HU5004 - Communication in Cultural Contexts, HU6060 Special Topics in Philosophy - Continental Philosophy.

<> Contact Information

Email: mjbowler@mtu.edu

Mail:   Michael Bowler
            Department of Humanities
            319 Walker Arts & Humanities Center
            1400 Townsend Drive
            Houghton, MI 49931-1295
(906) 487 - 2447







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