
Born on Feb. 19, 1473, in Thorn (Torun), Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus was destined to become, through the publication of his heliocentric theory 70 years later, one of the seminal figures in the history of scientific thought. The son of a prosperous merchant, Copernicus was raised after his father's death by a maternal uncle. The uncle enabled him to enter the University of Krakow, then famous for its mathematics, philosophy, and astronomy curriculum. This experience stimulated the young Copernicus to study further liberal arts at Bologna (1496-1501), medicine at Padua, and law at the University of Ferrara. He emerged from Ferrara in 1503 with the doctorate in canon law.

Shortly afterward, Copernicus returned to Poland and eventually settled at the cathedral in Frauenberg, less than 160 km (100 mi) from his birthplace. Elected a canon of the church, he not only faithfully performed his ecclesiastical duties, but also practiced medicine, wrote a treatise on monetary reform, and turned his attention to a subject in which he had long been interested--astronomy.

By May 1514, Copernicus had written and discreetly circulated in manuscript his Commentariolus, the first outline of those arguments which he eventually substantiated in De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, 1543). This classic work challenged the geocentric cosmology that had been accepted dogmatically since the time of Aristotle. It was in fact in direct opposition to Aristotle and to the 2d-century astronomer Ptolemy, who had enunciated the details of the geocentric system.


Nicolaus Copernicus
Ptolemy based his work on the observed celestial phenomena of the daily rotation of the heavens, the annual movement of the Sun through the ecliptic, and the periodic retrograde motion of the planets. His geocentric system, however, required a complex combination of cycles upon cycles, akin to an arbitrary meshing of larger and smaller gears, to account for these motions. Copernicus proposed in De revolutionibus that a rotating Earth revolving with the other planets about a stationary central Sun could account for these same observed phenomena in a simpler way.

Anticipated in various aspects by the Pythagoreans and Aristarchus of Samos (with whom Copernicus was familiar), and by the Muslim astronomer Ibn al-Shatir and certain Christian writers (whose ideas there is no conclusive evidence he was aware of), the new theory that he espoused in De revolutionibus exhibits a peculiar mixture of radical and conservative elements. In the midst of his radical reordering of the structure of the universe, Copernicus still adhered to ancient Aristotelian doctrines of solid celestial spheres and the perfect circular motion of heavenly bodies, and he held essentially intact the entire Aristotelian physics of motion. He also clung to the Ptolemaic representation of planetary motion by means of complex combinations of cycles, although with significant innovations. In addition, Copernicus realized that his theory implied an enormous increase in the size of the universe but declined to pronounce it infinite.

These aspects of the Copernican treatise do not mitigate the novelty or the impact of the final theory, or the author's firm conviction that his system was an accurate representation of physical reality. Rather, they indicate the scope of the work that lay ahead. This work was effectively addressed in the next century when Kepler determined the ellipticity of planetary orbits, Galileo formulated his new concept of motion, and Newton espoused his theory of universal gravitation.

The enunciation of the heliocentric theory by Copernicus marked the beginning of the scientific revolution and of a new view of a greatly enlarged universe. It was a shift away from the comfortable anthropocentrism of the ancient and medieval world. A scientific theory that reflected so profoundly on the place of humanity in the universe was not welcomed by the church, and it was only after the publication (1540) of Narratio prima (A First Account), by an enthusiastic supporter named Rheticus, that the aged Copernicus agreed to commit to print the theory already outlined in 1514. An undocumented, but often repeated, story holds that Copernicus received a printed copy of his treatise on his deathbed. He died on May 24, 1543.

Steven J. Dick


Bibliography: Banville, John, Doctor Copernicus (1977); Burtt, E. A., A Critical and Comparative Analysis of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Descartes (1924; repr. 1987); Koyre, A., The Astronomical Revolution (1969); Kuhn, T., The Copernican Revolution (1957); Moss, Jean, Novelties in the Heavens (1993); Rosen, E., Copernicus and the Scientific Revolution (1984); Westman, R. S., ed., The Copernican Achievement (1976).

Last modified on: Thursday, October 30, 1997.