Tuesdays at 4-5 pm,

there will be a seminar/discussion for geofolks

in room 610 of Dow.

Come and meet your academic and professional community.  We have arranged speakers from outside and inside the department.  The goal is to identify and define professional contacts for all of us and to build awareness of the breadth of Geosciences.

List of speakers, Fall 2016:

Sept 6:  Dr James M Robertson 

Maintaining neutrality in a polarized environment:  when delivering the facts is not enough

Sept 13: Dr Sajin Kumar 

Meteorite Impact Craters

Sept 27:  Dr Michael Cooper

Tips & Shortcuts for AVO and Inversion in Oil Companies

Oct 11Jeff Lynott, Foth, DePere, WI

Mineral Exploration and Ore Deposits for the Great Lakes Region

Oct 18: Dr Laurel Woodruff  USGS

Soil Geochemistry and Mineralogy for the Conterminous United States

Oct 25:  Dr Cécile Piret  MTU Mathematics

Radial Basis Functions applied to geological Problems

Nov 1:  Dr Albert Wylie  Cabot Oil & Gas

two seminars!

4 pm: Naturally occurring stray gas and the groundwater chemistry of the aquifers overlying the Marcellus Shale Gas Play, Northeastern Pennsylvania

6 pm: The Marcellus Shale Gas Resource, Appalachain Basin, USA

Nov 7: (Monday): Dr. Susan Moore, NIOSH

Building the Career you want at all Stages

(MTU Visiting Minority Lecture/ Scholar Series)

Nov 10: (Thursday): Dr. Ayla Pamukcu, Princeton

Before the Big Boom: How Supereruptions are Made

Nov 15:  Dr Fred Quivik MTU Soc Sci

Expert Witnessing, Deepwater Horizon Trial

GeoSeminar 2016-17

Other information outreach of geointerest

Physics Dept Colloquium (Thursday at 4 pm, 139 Fisher)

Environmental Engineering (Monday 3-4pm 202 GLRC)

EPPSI Seminar (Monday 4-5 pm U113 Benedict)

Carnegie Museum Community Discussions

(3rd Tuesday monthly, 630-8pm, downtown Houghton)