Formatted Input and Output

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Formatted Input and Output
Fortran Formats
Numeric, Logical and Character Output Edit Descriptors
INTEGER Output: The I Descriptor
REAL Output: The F Descriptor
REAL Output: The E Descriptor
LOGICAL Output: The L Descriptor
CHARACTER Output: The A Descriptor
Printer Control
Scanning a Format: I
Programming Examples I:
Printing INTEGERs and REALs with the I and F Descriptors
Printing REALs with the E Descriptor
Computing and Printing the Input Data and Their Average
Computing and Printing the Input Data and Their Average: Version 2
Computing and Printing the Input Data and Their Average: Version 3
Computing and Printing the Input Data and Their Average: Version 4
Numeric, Logical and Character Input Edit Descriptors
INTEGER Input: The I Descriptor
REAL Input: The F and E Descriptors
LOGICAL Input: The L Descriptor
CHARACTER Input: The A Descriptor
Programming Examples II:
REAL Input
Computing the Class Average
Data Smoothing and Two-Column Table
Horizontal Position Control
Horizontal Spacing: nX
Tabbing: Tc, TLc and TRc
Programming Example 1: Skip Input Items
Programming Example 2: The Phone Numbers Problem: Revisited
Programming Example 3: Data Smoothing and Two-Column Table: Version 2
Scanning a Format: II
Vertical Position Control
The Slash Edit Descriptor: /
Programming Example 1: Data Smoothing and Two-Column Table: Version 3
Programming Example 2: Computing and Printing the Input and Their Average: Version 5
Grouping: r()
Programming Example 1: Print a Multiplication Table
Programming Example 2: Print Means
Scanning a Format: III
Programming Example 1: Print a Multiplication Table: Revisited
Programming Example 2: Inner Product
Programming Example 3: Data Smoothing and Two-Column Table: Version 4
The Colon Edit Descriptor: :
Sign Control: S, SP and SS
Blank Control: BN and BZ
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Internal Files: The Basics (Optional)
The Most Fundamental Facts
Programming Example 1: Print a Histogram
Programming Example 2: Print the Upper Triangular Part of a Square Matrix
Programming Example 3: Print a Check Record