The Triangular Computing Scheme Window

The Triangular Computing Scheme Window is used to show the triangular computing scheme of de Casteljau's and de Boor's algorithms. This window has three buttons. Button STEP allows a user to see the computation column-by-column, button RESET resets the current computation and starts over, and button DISMISS closes this window.

The following figures show the final stage of the computation of de Casteljau's algorithm for a Bézier curve of degree 5. Note that all control points of a Bézier curve are listed on the first column, while the point on the curve is shown on the right-most column. Note also that for a B-spline or NURBS curve, not all control points are involved in the computation.

See Tracing the Curve - de Casteljau's and de Boor's Algorithms for the details.