
Papers at PES GM'18

August 6th, 2018

Dr. Paudyal co-authored three papers in PES GM'18 in Portland: 1) "Comparative Study of Active Power Curtailment Methods of PVs for Preventing Overvoltage on Distribution Feeders", 2) "Model Predictive Optimal Dispatch of Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage Considering Onsite Generation Uncertainties", and 3) "Tight Conic Formulation of Unit Commitment Problem and Comparison with MINLP/MILP Formulations".


Book Chapter

July 8th, 2018

Dr. Paudyal co-authored a chapter on the book "Energy Markets and Responsive Grids", Springer, 2018, DOI 978-1-4939-7822-9_14. Chapter: Almassalkhi, Mads (et al.), Asynchronous Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources with Packetized Energy Management.


Invited Lectures

July 5th, 2018

Dr. Paudyal delivered lectures on "Power System Optimization" and "Synchrophasor Technologies" at Harbin Institute of Technology, China.


Invited Lectures

May 23rd, 2018

Dr. Paudyal delivered lectures on Power System Optimization at the "Smart Grid and Computational Approaches" Workshop organized by Kadir Has University in Istanbul, Turkey.


Promoted to Associate Professor

May 4th, 2018

Dr. Paudyal is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor [Appointment effective Fall'18].


Best Professor of the Year

April 28th, 2018

Eta Kappa Nu student organization selected Dr. Paudyal as the best professor of the year.
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Invited Seminar

April 24th, 2018

Dr. Paudyal delivered a seminar on "Recent Advancements in Distribution Optimal Power Flow," at South Dakota State University".


Students defended their theses

April 9th, 2018

Sharabh Shukla and Alper Savasci successfully defended MS thesis. Dhruv Sharma successfully defended MS Report. Congratulations!!


New Transaction Paper

April 4th, 2018

Our Paper on "Coordinated Electric Vehicle Charging with Reactive Power Support to Distribution Grids," led by PhD student Jingyuan Wang, is accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
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Dr. Paudyal received NSF CAREER Award

Feburary 1st, 2018

Dr. Paudyal is awarded prestigious NSF CAREER Award on "Operation of Distribution Grids in the Context of High-Penetration Distributed Energy Resources and Flexible Loads".
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