CHARACTER Operator and Substrings

Concatenation Operator //

Fortran has only one character operator, the concatenation operator //. The concatenation operator cannot be used with arithmetic operators. Given two strings, s1 and s2 of lengths m and n, respectively, the concatenation of s1 and s2, written as s1 // s2, contains all characters in string s1, followed by all characters in string s2. Therefore, the length of s1 // s2 is m+n.

Consider the following statements:

CHARACTER(LEN=4)   :: John = "John", Sam    = "Sam"
CHARACTER(LEN=6)   :: Lori = "Lori", Reagan = "Reagan"
CHARACTER(LEN=10)  :: Ans1, Ans2, Ans3, Ans4

Ans1 = John // Lori
Ans2 = Sam  // Reagon
Ans3 = Reagon // Sam
Ans4 = Lori // Sam


A consecutive part of a string is called a substring. One can append the extent specifier at the end of a CHARACTER variable to indicate a substring. An extent specifier has a form of
( integer-exp1 : integer-exp2 )
It starts with a (, followed by an integer expression, followed by a colon :, followed by another integer expression, followed by ). The first integer indicates the first position of the substring, while the second integer indicates the last position of the substring. Therefore, (3:5) means the substring consists of the third, fourth and fifth characters. If the content of variable String is "abcdefghijk", then String(3:5) is a string "cde".

If the first integer expression is missing, the value is assumed to be 1. If the second integer expression is missing, the value is assumed to be the last character of the string. Continue with the example in previous paragraph. String(:4) is string "abcd". String(2+5:) is string "ghijk".

As a good programming practice, the value of the first integer expression should be greater than or equal to 1, and the value of the second integer expression should be less than of equal to the length of the string.

A string variable with an extent specifier can be used on the left-hand side of an assignment. Its meaning is assigning the string content on the right-hand side into the substring part of the string variable. Let the content of a string variable LeftHand of length 10 be "1234567890". The following are a few examples:


! ----------------------------------------------------------------
!  This program uses DATE_AND_TIME() to retrieve the system date
!  and the system time.  Then, it converts the date and time
!  information to a readable format.  This program demonstrates
!  the use of concatenation operator // and substring
! ----------------------------------------------------------------


   CHARACTER(LEN = 8)  :: DateINFO                 ! ccyymmdd
   CHARACTER(LEN = 4)  :: Year, Month*2, Day*2

   CHARACTER(LEN = 10) :: TimeINFO, PrettyTime*12  ! hhmmss.sss
   CHARACTER(LEN = 2)  :: Hour, Minute, Second*6


!  decompose DateINFO into year, month and day.
!  DateINFO has a form of ccyymmdd, where cc = century, yy = year
!  mm = month and dd = day

   Year  = DateINFO(1:4)
   Month = DateINFO(5:6)
   Day   = DateINFO(7:8)

   WRITE(*,*)  'Date information -> ', DateINFO
   WRITE(*,*)  '            Year -> ', Year
   WRITE(*,*)  '           Month -> ', Month
   WRITE(*,*)  '             Day -> ', Day

!  decompose TimeINFO into hour, minute and second.
!  TimeINFO has a form of hhmmss.sss, where h = hour, m = minute
!  and s = second

   Hour   = TimeINFO(1:2)
   Minute = TimeINFO(3:4)
   Second = TimeINFO(5:10)

   PrettyTime = Hour // ':' // Minute // ':' // Second

   WRITE(*,*)  'Time Information -> ', TimeINFO
   WRITE(*,*)  '            Hour -> ', Hour
   WRITE(*,*)  '          Minite -> ', Minute
   WRITE(*,*)  '          Second -> ', Second
   WRITE(*,*)  '     Pretty Time -> ', PrettyTime

!  the substring operator can be used on the left-hand side.

   PrettyTime = ' '
   PrettyTime( :2) = Hour
   PrettyTime(3:3) = ':'
   PrettyTime(4:5) = Minute
   PrettyTime(6:6) = ':'
   PrettyTime(7: ) = Second

   WRITE(*,*)  '     Pretty Time -> ', PrettyTime

Click here to download this program.

Program Output

Date information -> 19970811
            Year -> 1997
           Month -> 08
             Day -> 11

Time Information -> 010717.620
            Hour -> 01
          Minite -> 07
          Second -> 17.620
     Pretty Time -> 01:07:17.620

     Pretty Time -> 01:07:17.620
