Soner Onder

Department of Computer Science
Michigan Technological University
303 Rekhi Hall
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton MI 49931 

Voice: (+1) 906 487 2123
Fax: (+1) 906 487 2283
E-mail: My e-mail address is my first name (starts with S) followed by (Internet adresimi bulmak icin ismimin arkasina ekleyin.)

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This is how I look when I am on a diving boat sailing in the Mediterranian Sea. I hope I don't look much different when I am working.

About me



Current Projects

CS 4431 Computer Architecture


FAST - Flexible Architecture Simulation Tool


SHF: Medium: Collaborative Research: Statically Controlled Asynchronous Lane Execution (SCALE)

SHF: Medium: Vectorized Instruction Space (VIS)

Current Students

Graduated PhD Students

Graduated Master Students

Tino Moore (PhD)

Scott Pomerville, Statically Controlled Synchronized Lane Architectures (PhD, 2024)

Jonathan Rabideau

Rahul Kirtane

Kieran Young (PhD)

Gorkem Asilioglu, Dynamic Dependency Collapsing (PhD, 2020)

Chunming Gao

Jeff Bastian

Caleb Swain (Phd)

Omkar Javeri Demand-Driven Execution Using Future Gated Single Assignment Form (PhD, 2020)

Bing Liu

Vinay Belgaumkar

Andrew Frey (Phd)

Zhaoxiang Jin, Mitigating the Effect of Misspeculations in Superscalar Processors (PhD, 2018)

Robert Pastel

Sourabh Shikhare

Sarah Larkin (PhD)

Hui Meen Nyew (co-advised with Dr.Nilufer Onder) Mining and Verifying Runtime Temporal Events in Computer Architecture (PhD, 2014)

Kapil Kataria

NSF/REU Researchers

Shuhan Ding Future Value Based Single Assignment Program Representations and Optimizations (PhD, 2012)

Kurush Kasad (Ms)

Kaira Stricklin

Peng Zhou Fine-Grain State Processors (PhD, 2009)

Anna Andres

Josh Pearlman