This is an extension of an example discussed in
SELECT CASE statement.
This program reads in a character and determines if it is a vowel, a
consonant, a digit, one of the four arithmetic operators, a space, or
something else (i.e., %, $, @, etc).
Click here to download this program.! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! This program reads in a single character and determines if ! it is a vowel, a consonant, a digit, one of the four ! arithmetic operators (+, -, * and /), a space, or something ! else. You can do it with IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF statement; but ! SELECT CASE statement provides a cleaner solution. ! ! For character input, you could use the quote characters like ! 'G' ! Or, just type the character. In this case, the first ! character you type will be read. ! ------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM CharacterTesting IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: Input READ(*,*) Input SELECT CASE (Input) CASE ('A' : 'Z', 'a' : 'z') ! rule out letters WRITE(*,*) 'A letter is found : "', Input, '"' SELECT CASE (Input) ! a vowel ? CASE ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o','u') WRITE(*,*) 'It is a vowel' CASE DEFAULT ! it must be a consonant WRITE(*,*) 'It is a consonant' END SELECT CASE ('0' : '9') ! a digit WRITE(*,*) 'A digit is found : "', Input, '"' CASE ('+', '-', '*', '/') ! an operator WRITE(*,*) 'An operator is found : "', Input, '"' CASE (' ') ! space WRITE(*,*) 'A space is found : "', Input, '"' CASE DEFAULT ! something else WRITE(*,*) 'Something else found : "', Input, '"' END SELECT END PROGRAM CharacterTesting
A letter is found : "s" It is a consonant
A letter is found : "U" It is a vowel
A digit is found : "8"
An operator is found : "+"
A space is found : " "
Something else found : "&"