Programming Example 1: Quadratic Equation Solver

Problem Statement

Given a quadratic equation as follows:

if b*b-4*a*c is non-negative, the roots of the equation can be solved with the following formulae:

Write a program to read in the coefficients a, b and c, and compute and display the roots. If the discriminant b*b - 4*a*c is negative, the equation has complex root. Thus, this program should solve the equation if the discriminant is non-negative and show a message otherwise.


! ---------------------------------------------------
!   Solve  Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0 given B*B-4*A*C >= 0
!   Now, we are able to detect complex roots.
! ---------------------------------------------------

PROGRAM  QuadraticEquation

   REAL  :: a, b, c
   REAL  :: d
   REAL  :: root1, root2

!  read in the coefficients a, b and c

   READ(*,*)  a, b, c
   WRITE(*,*) 'a = ', a
   WRITE(*,*) 'b = ', b
   WRITE(*,*) 'c = ', c

!  compute the square root of discriminant d

   d = b*b - 4.0*a*c
   IF (d >= 0.0) THEN              ! is it solvable?
      d     = SQRT(d)
      root1 = (-b + d)/(2.0*a)     ! first root
      root2 = (-b - d)/(2.0*a)     ! second root
      WRITE(*,*)  'Roots are ', root1, ' and ', root2
   ELSE                            ! complex roots
      WRITE(*,*)  'There is no real roots!'
      WRITE(*,*)  'Discriminant = ', d

END PROGRAM  QuadraticEquation
Click here to download this program.

Program Input and Output


Here is the box trick of this program. Note that information in different parts of the box do not have to be very precise. As long as it can tell what to do, it would be sufficient.

b*b - 4.0*a*c >= 0.0 computes the real roots
there is no real roots