In parallel with the DO-EXIT construct, Fortran has a DO-CYCLE construct as follows:
where control-info is empty if the loop is a DO-END DO; otherwise, control-info contains all information that a counting DO should have.DO control-info statements-1 CYCLE statements-2 END DO
When the execution of a DO-loop encounters the CYCLE statement, the DO-loop starts next iteration immediately.
This is not a recommended feature. So,
if it is possible, do not use it.
INTEGER :: i DO i = 1, 5 IF (i == 3) THEN CYCLE ELSE WRITE(*,*) i END IF END DO
Please compare this example with the technique used in the second prime number example in which EXIT is used rather than CYCLE.INTEGER :: Range DO WRITE(*,*) 'An integer >= 2 please --> ' READ(*,*) Range IF (Range < 2) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Input not in the required range' CYCLE END IF ... process Range ... END DO
Write a program to find all solutions.
Click here to download this program.! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! This program solve the following puzzle: ! RED ! x FOR ! ------- ! DANGER ! where each distinct letter represents a different digit. ! Moreover, R, F and D cannot be zero. ! ---------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM Puzzle IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: R, E, D, F, O, A, N, G ! the digits INTEGER :: RED, FOR, DANGER ! the constructed values INTEGER :: Count ! solutions count WRITE(*,*) 'This program solves the following puzzle:' WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) ' RED' WRITE(*,*) 'x FOR' WRITE(*,*) '-------' WRITE(*,*) ' DANGER' WRITE(*,*) Count = 0 DO R = 1, 9 DO E = 0, 9 IF (E == R) CYCLE DO D = 1, 9 IF (D == R .OR. D == E) CYCLE DO F = 1, 9 IF (F == R .OR. F == E .OR. F == D) CYCLE DO O = 0, 9 IF (O == R .OR. O == E .OR. O == D .OR. & O == F) CYCLE DO A = 0, 9 IF (A == R .OR. A == E .OR. A == D .OR. & A == F .OR. A == O) CYCLE DO N = 0, 9 IF (N == R .OR. N == E .OR. N == D .OR. & N == F .OR. N == O .OR. N == A) CYCLE DO G = 0, 9 IF (G == R .OR. G == E .OR. G == D .OR. & G == F .OR. G == O .OR. G == A .OR. & G == N) CYCLE RED = R*100 + E*10 + D FOR = F*100 + O*10 + R DANGER = D*100000 + A*10000 + N*1000 + G*100 + E*10 + R IF (RED * FOR == DANGER) THEN Count = Count + 1 WRITE(*,*) 'Solution ', Count, ':' WRITE(*,*) ' RED = ', RED WRITE(*,*) ' FOR = ', FOR WRITE(*,*) ' DANGER = ', DANGER WRITE(*,*) END IF END DO END DO END DO END DO END DO END DO END DO END DO END PROGRAM Puzzle
This program solves the following puzzle: RED x FOR ------- DANGER Solution 1: RED = 321 FOR = 563 DANGER = 180723 Solution 2: RED = 481 FOR = 364 DANGER = 175084
The above only shows three loops for R, E and D. At the beginning of the E loop, the value of E is checked to see if it is equal to the value of R. If they are equal, the CYCLE brings the control to the next iteration. Similarly, at the beginning of the D loop, the value of D is compared against the values of E and R. If they are equal, CYCLE causes the start of the next iteration. Note that D runs from 1 to 9.DO R = 1, 9 DO E = 0, 9 IF (E == R) CYCLE DO D = 1, 9 IF (D == R .OR. D == E) CYCLE ... other loops ... END DO END DO END DO
RED = R*100 + E*10 + D FOR = F*100 + O*10 + R DANGER = D*100000 + A*10000 + N*1000 + G*100 + E*10 + R IF (RED * FOR == DANGER) THEN ... display READ, FOR and DANGER ... END IF