The Phone Numbers Problem: Revisited

WARNING: This example assumes spaces are ignored for the I and F descriptors and the output is sent to a printer.

Problem Statement

We shall redo the salesperson number and phone number problem discussed previously in INTEGER input and in CHARACTER input. In fact, we shall modify the latter version using nX and Tc edit descriptors.

Suppose we have an input like the following. Each row starts with a salesperson's number (10 positions), followed by his/her phone numbers (10 positions), followed by the bonus this person has earned. Each salesperson's number has seven digits, the first two gives the division code, followed by two digits of department code, followed by three digits of person code. A phone number has seven digits in the form of 482-0911.

         1    1    2    2 
7645094   7079173   1000
8745363   6347862   1120
8701001   7130067   750
4000023   6700175   1253
8801810   9000018   980
Write a Fortran program that reads in the above input and prints the following table:
         1    1    2    2    3    3
       Sales Amount Table

 Sales No.   Phone No.   Amount
 ---------   ---------   ------
 76-45-094   707-9173      1000
 87-45-363   634-7862      1120
 87-01-001   713-0067       750
 40-00-023   670-0175      1253
 88-01-810   900-0018       980

 Total  5 person(s) processed.
Note that the first position is always for printer control. Note also that we do not know the number of salespersons.


PROGRAM  Decoding
   CHARACTER(LEN=2)  :: SN_1, SN_2, SN_3*3
   CHARACTER(LEN=3)  :: Phone_1, Phone_2*4
   INTEGER           :: Amount
   INTEGER           :: Number
   INTEGER           :: Status
   LOGICAL           :: Problem
   CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: TitleFormat   = "(T8,A)"
   CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: HeadingFormat = "(T2,A)"
   CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: InputFormat   = "(A2,A2,A3,3X,A3,A4,3X,I5)"
   CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: OutputFormat  = "(1X, 5A, T14, 3A, T26,I6)"
   CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: LastLine      = "(1X, A, I3, A)"

   WRITE(*,TitleFormat)    "Sales Amount Table"
   WRITE(*,TitleFormat)    "=================="
   WRITE(*,HeadingFormat)  "Sales No.   Phone No.   Amount"
   WRITE(*,HeadingFormat)  "---------   ---------   ------"
   Problem = .FALSE.
   Number = 0
      READ(*,InputFormat, IOSTAT=Status)  &
            SN_1, SN_2, SN_3, Phone_1, Phone_2, Amount
      IF (Status > 0) THEN
         WRITE(*,*)  "Something wrong in your input data"
         Problem = .TRUE.
      ELSE IF (Status < 0) THEN
         WRITE(*,OutputFormat)  &
               SN_1, "-", SN_2, "-", SN_3, Phone_1, "-", Phone_2, Amount
         Number = Number + 1
      END IF
   IF (.NOT. Problem) THEN
      WRITE(*,LastLine)  "Total", Number, " person(s) processed."
Click here to download this program.

Program Input and Output

The output of the program is:
         1    1    2    2    3    3 
       Sales Amount Table

 Sales No.   Phone No.   Amount
 ---------   ---------   ------
 76-45-094   707-9173      1000
 87-45-363   634-7862      1120
 87-01-001   713-0067       750
 40-00-023   670-0175      1253
 88-01-810   900-0018       980

 Total  5 person(s) processed.
