Data Smoothing and Two-Column Table: Version 4

WARNING: This example assumes spaces are ignored for the I and F descriptors and the output is sent to a printer.

Problem Statement

We shall redo a program discussed previously in the data smoothing and two-column table. In fact, we shall take advantage of format scanning and the CHARACTER concatenation operator // discussed in CHARACTER Operator and Substring so that a single format can be used to print the whole table.

Suppose we have an input like the following. The first line gives the number of input values. Each of the input line has five fields with 10 positions each.

         1    1    2    2    3    3    4    4
13.5      17.23     9.0       20.9      23.0
16.3      15.9      21.5      14.78     18.5
16.54     13.67     10.78     9.5       13.2
19.6      20.0
Write a Fortran program that reads in the above input, computes the 2-moving average, and prints the following two-column table:
         1    1    2    2    3    3    4    4    5
             *  Data Smoothing Table  *

  No       x         y      No       x         y
 ---  --------  --------   ---  --------  --------
   1     13.50        NA     2     17.23     15.36
   3      9.00     13.11     4     20.90     14.95
   5     23.00     21.95     6     16.30     19.65
   7     15.90     16.10     8     21.50     18.70
   9     14.78     18.14    10     18.50     16.64
  11     16.54     17.52    12     13.67     15.11
  13     10.78     12.23    14      9.50     10.14
  15     13.20     11.35    16     19.60     16.40
  17     20.00     19.80
Suppose the input values are x(1), x(2) and so on. The 2-moving average is computed as follows: y(1)=(x(1)+x(2))/2, y(2)=(x(2)+x(3))/2, y(3)=(x(3)+x(4))/2 and so on. In general, y(i)=(x(i)+x(i+1))/2. If x has n entries, y will have n-1 (i.e., y(n) cannot be computed).

Note that the first position is always for printer control.


PROGRAM  Smoothing
   INTEGER, PARAMETER           :: MAX_SIZE = 20
   INTEGER                      :: Number
   INTEGER                      :: i
   CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER  :: TitleHeading  = "T14,A/T14,A/T14,A//T2,A,T28,A/T2,A,T28,A/"
   CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER  :: NA_Line       = "T2,I3,F10.2,A10,I6,2F10.2/"
   CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER  :: Data_Line     = "(1X,I3,2F10.2,I6,2F10.2)"
   CHARACTER(LEN=100)           :: Format

   READ(*,"(I5)")  Number
   READ(*,"(5F10.0)")  (x(i), i=1, Number)
   DO i = 1, Number-1
      y(i) = (x(i) + x(i+1)) / 2.0

   Format = "(" // TitleHeading // NA_Line // Data_Line // ")"
   WRITE(*,Format)  "**************************",             &
                    "*  Data Smoothing Table  *",             &
                    "**************************",             &
                    (" No       x         y    ", i = 1, 2),  &
                    ("---  --------  --------  ", i = 1, 2),  &
                    1, x(1), "NA", 2, x(2), y(1),             &
                    (i, x(i), y(i-1), i = 3, Number)
END PROGRAM  Smoothing

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Program Input and Output

The output of the program is:
         1    1    2    2    3    3    4    4    5
             *  Data Smoothing Table  *

  No       x         y      No       x         y
 ---  --------  --------   ---  --------  --------
   1     13.50        NA     2     17.23     15.36
   3      9.00     13.11     4     20.90     14.95
   5     23.00     21.95     6     16.30     19.65
   7     15.90     16.10     8     21.50     18.70
   9     14.78     18.14    10     18.50     16.64
  11     16.54     17.52    12     13.67     15.11
  13     10.78     12.23    14      9.50     10.14
  15     13.20     11.35    16     19.60     16.40
  17     20.00     19.80
