The combinatorial coefficient C(n,r) is defined as follows:
where 0 <= r <= n must hold. Write a program that keeps reading in
values for n and r, exits if both values are zeros,
uses a LOGICAL function to test if 0 <= r <= n holds,
and computes C(n,r) with an INTEGER function.
Click here to download this program.! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! This program computes the combinatorial coefficient C(n,r): ! ! n! ! C(n,r) = ------------- ! r! x (n-r)! ! ! It asks for two integers and uses Cnr(n,r) to compute the value. ! If 0 <= r <= n does not hold, Cnr() returns -1 so that the main ! program would know the input values are incorrect. Otherwise, ! Cnr() returns the desired combinatorial coefficient. ! ! Note that if the input values are zeros, this program stops. ! --------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM Combinatorial IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: n, r, Answer DO WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) "Two integers n and r (0 <= r <= n) please " WRITE(*,*) "0 0 to stop --> " READ(*,*) n, r IF (n == 0 .AND. r == 0) EXIT WRITE(*,*) "Your input:" WRITE(*,*) " n = ", n WRITE(*,*) " r = ", r Answer = Cnr(n, r) IF (Answer < 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) "Incorrect input" ELSE WRITE(*,*) " C(n,r) = ", Answer END IF END DO CONTAINS ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER FUNCTION Cnr(n,r) ! This function receives n and r, uses LOGICAL function Test() ! to verify if the condition 0 <= r <= n holds, and uses ! Factorial() to compute n!, r! and (n-r)!. ! --------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION Cnr(n, r) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, r IF (Test(n,r)) THEN Cnr = Factorial(n)/(Factorial(r)*Factorial(n-r)) ELSE Cnr = -1 END IF END FUNCTION Cnr ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! LOGICAL FUNCTION Test() ! This function receives n and r. If 0 <= r <= n holds, it ! returns .TRUE.; otherwise, it returns .FALSE. ! --------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL FUNCTION Test(n, r) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, r Test = (0 <= r) .AND. (r <= n) END FUNCTION Test ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER FUNCTION Factorial() ! This function receives a non-negative integer and computes ! its factorial. ! --------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION Factorial(k) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k INTEGER :: Ans, i Ans = 1 DO i = 1, k Ans = Ans * i END DO Factorial = Ans END FUNCTION Factorial END PROGRAM Combinatorial
In the sample output above, please note the error messages indicating that condition 0 <= r <= n does not hold. Please also note that the program stops when the input values are 0 and 0.Two integers n and r (0 <= r <= n) please 0 0 to stop --> 10 4 Your input: n = 10 r = 4 C(n,r) = 210 Two integers n and r (0 <= r <= n) please 0 0 to stop --> 7 6 Your input: n = 7 r = 6 C(n,r) = 7 Two integers n and r (0 <= r <= n) please 0 0 to stop --> 4 8 Your input: n = 4 r = 8 Incorrect input Two integers n and r (0 <= r <= n) please 0 0 to stop --> -3 5 Your input: n = -3 r = 5 Incorrect input Two integers n and r (0 <= r <= n) please 0 0 to stop --> 0 0