The arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means of three positive numbers are defined by the following formulas:
Write a program to read three positive numbers and use a single internal
subroutine to compute the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means.
Click here to download this program.! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! This program contains one subroutine for computing the ! arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means of three REALs. ! ---------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM Mean6 IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: u, v, w REAL :: ArithMean, GeoMean, HarmMean READ(*,*) u, v, w CALL Means(u, v, w, ArithMean, GeoMean, HarmMean) WRITE(*,*) "Arithmetic Mean = ", ArithMean WRITE(*,*) "Geometric Mean = ", GeoMean WRITE(*,*) "Harmonic Mean = ", HarmMean CONTAINS ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE Means(): ! This subroutine receives three REAL values and computes ! their arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means. ! ---------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Means(a, b, c, Am, Gm, Hm) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a, b, c REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: Am, Gm, Hm Am = (a + b + c)/3.0 Gm = (a * b * c)**(1.0/3.0) Hm = 3.0/(1.0/a + 1.0/b + 1.0/c) END SUBROUTINE Means END PROGRAM Mean6
Arithmetic Mean = 5.66666651 Geometric Mean = 5.24148321 Harmonic Mean = 4.80000019