Given n data items x1, x2, ..., xn, the mean, variance and standard deviation of these data items are defined as follows:
Write a program that reads in an unknown number of data items, one on each
line, counts the number of input data items and computes their mean,
variance and standard deviation.
Click here to download this program.! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PROGRAM MeanVariance: ! This program reads in an unknown number of real values and ! computes its mean, variance and standard deviation. It contains ! three subroutines: ! (1) Sums() - computes the sum and sum of squares of the input ! (2) Result() - computes the mean, variance and standard ! deviation from the sum and sum of squares ! (3) PrintResult() - print results ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM MeanVariance IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: Number, IOstatus REAL :: Data, Sum, Sum2 REAL :: Mean, Var, Std Number = 0 ! initialize the counter Sum = 0.0 ! initialize accumulators Sum2 = 0.0 DO ! loop until done READ(*,*,IOSTAT=IOstatus) Data ! read in a value IF (IOstatus < 0) EXIT ! if end-of-file reached, exit Number = Number + 1 ! no, have one more value WRITE(*,*) "Data item ", Number, ": ", Data CALL Sums(Data, Sum, Sum2) ! accumulate the values END DO CALL Results(Sum, Sum2, Number, Mean, Var, Std) ! compute results CALL PrintResult(Number, Mean, Var, Std) ! display them CONTAINS ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE Sums(): ! This subroutine receives three REAL values: ! (1) x - the input value ! (2) Sum - x will be added to this sum-of-input ! (3) SumSQR - x*x is added to this sum-of-squares ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Sums(x, Sum, SumSQR) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: Sum, SumSQR Sum = Sum + x SumSQR = SumSQR + x*x END SUBROUTINE Sums ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE Results(): ! This subroutine computes the mean, variance and standard deviation ! from the sum and sum-of-squares: ! (1) Sum - sum of input values ! (2) SumSQR - sun-of-squares ! (3) n - number of input data items ! (4) Mean - computed mean value ! (5) Variance - computed variance ! (6) StdDev - computed standard deviation ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Results(Sum, SumSQR, n, Mean, Variance, StdDev) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Sum, SumSQR REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: Mean, Variance, StdDev Mean = Sum / n Variance = (SumSQR - Sum*Sum/n)/(n-1) StdDev = SQRT(Variance) END SUBROUTINE ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE PrintResults(): ! This subroutine displays the computed results. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE PrintResult(n, Mean, Variance, StdDev) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Mean, Variance, StdDev WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) "No. of data items = ", n WRITE(*,*) "Mean = ", Mean WRITE(*,*) "Variance = ", Variance WRITE(*,*) "Standard Deviation = ", StdDev END SUBROUTINE PrintResult END PROGRAM MeanVariance
Data item 1: 5. Data item 2: 2. Data item 3: 6. Data item 4: 8. Data item 5: 4.5 Data item 6: 7. No. of data items = 6 Mean = 5.41666651 Variance = 4.44166565 Standard Deviation = 2.10752606
After reaching the end of file, the EXIT brings the execution to the second CALL. It calls subroutine Results() to compute the mean, variance and standard deviation from Sum and Sum2.
Finally, subroutine PrintResult() is called to display the result.