Binary search goes as follows. Suppose we have n data items in ascending order. Let the first and the last one have subscripts Left and Right, respectively. Let the number to be searched for be Data. Now consider the middle element, Mid=(Left+Right)/2. If Data is equal to element Middle, then Middle is the location where Data can be found and we are done.
If Data is less than the data in location Middle, then all elements in the range of Middle and Right become irrelevant since they are all larger than Data, and can be eliminated from further consideration. To eliminate them, simply moving Right to the position of Middle-1 (i.e., Right=Middle-1) would be enough.
On the other hand, if Data is larger than the value in location Middle, then all elements in the range of Left and Middle become irrelevant and can be eliminated for further consideration. This can be achieved with moving Left to Middle+1 (i.e., Left=Middle+1).
Each time Left or Right change their positions, the number of
elements to be considered is reduced to half of the original and hence the name
of binary search. Eventually, either Data is found in some
location, or Left and Right cross each other. The former case
means that Data is found and the latter means Data is not a
member of the given array.
Click here to download this program.! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PROGRAM TableLookUp ! Given an array and a input value, this program can determine if ! the value if in the table. If it is, the array location where the ! value is stored is returned. Binary search is used. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM TableLookUp IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: TableSize = 100 INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:TableSize) :: Table INTEGER :: ActualSize INTEGER :: Key INTEGER :: Location INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: end_of_input READ(*,*) ActualSize ! read in the actual size and table READ(*,*) (Table(i), i = 1, ActualSize) WRITE(*,*) "Input Table:" WRITE(*,*) (Table(i), i = 1, ActualSize) WRITE(*,*) DO ! keep reading in a key value WRITE(*,*) "A search key please --> " READ(*,*,IOSTAT=end_of_input) Key IF (end_of_input < 0) EXIT ! EXIT of end-of-file reached Location = LookUp(Table, ActualSize, Key) ! do a table look up IF (Location > 0) THEN ! display the search result WRITE(*,*) "Key value ", Key, " appears in location ", Location ELSE WRITE(*,*) "Key value ", Key, " is not found" END IF END DO WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) "Table lookup operation completes" CONTAINS ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER FUNCTION LookUp(): ! Given an array x() and a key value Data, this function determines ! if Data is a member of x(). If it is, the index where Data can be ! found is returned; otherwise, it returns 0. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION LookUp(x, Size, Data) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:), INTENT(IN) :: x INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Size INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Data INTEGER :: Left, Right, Mid LookUp = 0 ! assume not found Left = 1 ! left end Right = Size ! right end DO ! loop until done IF (Left > Right) EXIT ! if left and right cross, exit Mid = (Left + Right) / 2 ! get the midpoint IF (Data == x(Mid)) THEN ! is input = to the midpoint LookUp = Mid ! Yes, record the position EXIT ! and exit ELSE IF (Data < x(Mid)) THEN ! is Data < midpoint? Right = Mid - 1 ! YES, ignore the right half ELSE Left = Mid + 1 ! otherwise, ignore the left half END IF END DO ! go back and try again END FUNCTION LookUp END PROGRAM TableLookUp
Note that ^D is generated with Ctrl-D, which means ending the keyboard input and generating a end-of-file signal.Input Table: 12, 29, 35, 40, 56, 68, 77, 84, 92, 96 A search key please --> 40 Key value 40 appears in location 4 A search key please --> 76 Key value 76 is not found A search key please --> 92 Key value 92 appears in location 9 A search key please --> 100 Key value 100 is not found A search key please --> 12 Key value 12 appears in location 1 A search key please --> ^D Table lookup operation completes
The following search for 10 in an array containing 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 191 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M R L M R LR M L=R=M (found)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 L M R L M R LM R R L (not found)