There are many sorting methods. The following presents the so-called selection sort.
The idea is simple. Suppose the array has n elements. We find the smallest element and its location in the array and swap this element with the first one. After this, the first element is the smallest. Then, find the smallest element and its location of all elements in the range of 2 and n and swap this one with the second. After this, the first two elements are sorted. Repeating this process, when we have elements 1 to i-1 sorted, we can find the the smallest element in the range of i and n and swap it with element i. Then, elements 1 to i are sorted. This process continues until the first n-1 elements are sorted, the whole array is sorted.
Click here to download this program.! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PROGRAM Sorting: ! This program can sort a set of numbers. The method used is ! usually referred to as "selection" method. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM Sorting IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAX_SIZE = 100 INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:MAX_SIZE) :: InputData INTEGER :: ActualSize INTEGER :: i READ(*,*) ActualSize, (InputData(i), i = 1, ActualSize) WRITE(*,*) "Input Array:" WRITE(*,*) (InputData(i), i = 1, ActualSize) CALL Sort(InputData, ActualSize) WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) "Sorted Array:" WRITE(*,*) (InputData(i), i = 1, ActualSize) CONTAINS ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER FUNCTION FindMinimum(): ! This function returns the location of the minimum in the section ! between Start and End. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER FUNCTION FindMinimum(x, Start, End) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:), INTENT(IN) :: x INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Start, End INTEGER :: Minimum INTEGER :: Location INTEGER :: i Minimum = x(Start) ! assume the first is the min Location = Start ! record its position DO i = Start+1, End ! start with next elements IF (x(i) < Minimum) THEN ! if x(i) less than the min? Minimum = x(i) ! Yes, a new minimum found Location = i ! record its position END IF END DO FindMinimum = Location ! return the position END FUNCTION FindMinimum ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE Swap(): ! This subroutine swaps the values of its two formal arguments. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Swap(a, b) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: a, b INTEGER :: Temp Temp = a a = b b = Temp END SUBROUTINE Swap ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE Sort(): ! This subroutine receives an array x() and sorts it into ascending ! order. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Sort(x, Size) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:), INTENT(INOUT) :: x INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: Size INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: Location DO i = 1, Size-1 ! except for the last Location = FindMinimum(x, i, Size) ! find min from this to last CALL Swap(x(i), x(Location)) ! swap this and the minimum END DO END SUBROUTINE Sort END PROGRAM Sorting
The output of the program is:10 5 4 2 9 0 3 6 8 7 1
Input Array: 5, 4, 2, 9, 0, 3, 6, 8, 7, 1 Sorted Array: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9