So many rocks, so little time
The best thing about geology, is that there are rocks almost everywhere you go.
Seriously though, this page is to acquaint the curious with the major geologic formations of the Magadi area. The maps, instead of showing specific points like in the previous pages, will show the extent of the formation in the area, and then a representative image of that unit. Hopefully, this will help people get to know the units quickly when you are finally in the field.
The image at the top right, for those who want to know, is a growth of salt tubes on a chunk of trachyte (I’ll provide a XRD analysis of these structures sometime in the near future). These little growths can be found along the salt ponds where the Magadi Soda Co. evaporates down the brines. They are very fragile, and my attempt to bring one home in 2006 was a failure. Packed well, taken as carry-on, and treated gently, one might survive the journey.
The formations below are listed from oldest to youngest.