Phase One: Prepare Vision
Statement and Determine Goals |
Phase Two: Develop
Recommended Actions
In the spring of 2007, the goal is to address
each of the tasks listed above at the level of detail appropriate
for a Watershed Management Plan, including ways to monitor progress
and potentially fund specific actions. In this phase, the Michgian
Tech Center for Water and Society and interested community members
are being assisted by students from two Michigan Tech classes: Alex
Mayer's 2007 Civil-Environmental Senior Design course and Hugh
Gorman's 2007 Environmental Decision Making course. The
recommended actions described on this website are the main outcome
of this phase.
Phase Three: Preparing the
Plan |
summer 2007 to summer 2008, the Michigan Tech Center for Water and Society
will prepare the final watershed
management plan. Linda
Kersten will be the lead writer.
Phase Four:
Implementation of the
recommended actions will take place in subsequent years, with the goal
being--with the
assistance of the community--to secure funding and
to implement the recommended actions.
the Huron Creek Watershed Management Plan |