Developing the Huron Creek Watershed Management Plan


This plan is similar to the stream bank stabilization plan, except that it applies to re-vegetating the riparian buffer where possible, not just the stream bank. A riparian buffer zone is a strip of land adjacent to a body of water that is left undisturbed. Generally riparian buffers allow growth of native vegetation and do not contain mowed lawns. This zone allows a buffer for vegetation and wildlife habitat adjacent to the body of water (i.e. duck nesting sites, spawning areas for fish and amphibians, etc.). A riparian buffer also cools stormwater runoff before it enters a body of water, reducing temperature impacts.

The objective of this plan will be to establish a strip of native vegetation adjacent to the creek banks where possible. This may be completed on private or public property, depending on success of property owner cooperation. Areas for implementation will be chosen based on where property owners allow. Ideally, the buffer zone will be implemented only where there is an agreement that the buffer strip will be maintained. The City of Houghton Waterfront Park will likely be included under this plan. When and where possible, local gardening or botany clubs will be utilized to choose and plant vegetation.



Developing the Huron Creek Watershed Management Plan




Last Updated: March 9, 2007