Developing the Huron Creek Watershed Management Plan


During the Fall of 2006, senior design student Brian Grieve created two maps identifying stormwater inlets and outlets into the Huron Creek Watershed.  The following file contains the two maps.  The first map shows the path by which water falling onto drained surfaces (which are shaded in the map) reaches the creek.   Each area is connected to a specific outlet by one or more lines. These paths do not show the exact path the storm water takes.  They are just there to make it easier to visualize the path that the storm water takes.    The second map outlines which groups of inlets drain to each of the outlets. 

        Map showing location of stormwater inlets and outlets

The information necessary to decipher the coding system identifying inlets and outlets on the storm water map is contained on Sheet One of the following spreadsheet:

        Spreadsheed identifying path of water through inlets and outlets

For each inlet and outlet, Sheet One provides GPS coordinates, dimensions, descriptions, and a link that will bring up a photo of the inlet or outlet.  Sheet Two describes the path from each of the shaded areas (in the stormwater map) to the creek.

The information used to make the stormwater map came from interviews with public officials, plans from state agencies, observations from topographic maps, and visual inspection.  See Grieve's Report for more information.


Developing the Huron Creek Watershed Management Plan




Last Updated: March 5, 2007