Daniel A. Crowl

Daniel A. Crowl, Professor

Herbert H. Dow Professor for Chemical Process Safety

Contact Information:

Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295

Phone: 906-487-3221
Fax: 906-487-3212

E-Mail: crowl@mtu.edu

University of Illinois, PhD 1975

My research interests are in chemical process safety and loss prevention.


Increased emphasis on the prevention of fires and explosions has led to a need for high-quality flammability data covering a wide range of compositions of fuel/oxygen/nitrogen. The purpose of this work is to obtain this data in a twenty-liter combustion sphere using a high-speed data acquisition system. The data will be used to verify and improve methods for predicting the flammability zone.

Other projects in flammability include: flashpoints of azeotropic mixtures, flammability behavior of aqueous solutions, auto-ignition temperature characterization and prediction, flame speed determination and models, and prediction of flammability parameters.


Past methods for characterizing reactivity have depended on temperature and pressure rates as a function of time. This research will apply the concept of thermodynamic availability to reduce the evaluation to a single function in time. Thermodynamic availability represents the maximum mechanical energy extractable from a substance - a parameter more indicative of damage effects than heats of reaction. This project will develop a method to determine thermodynamic availability using standard calorimeter data, and apply the method to the reactive analysis of a number of chemical systems.

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Last Updated: January 28, 2003