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Homework 10


  1. A horizontal heated plate of dimensions 1.0 m by 1.0 m is heated to 50.0oC. The air over the plate is heated by natural convection and radiation and is at a temperature of 25.0oC. What is the total heat flux from the plate to the air? The emissivity of the plate, e, is 0.89, and PrGr<107. Which of the two effects (natural convection or radiation) dominates the heat transfer? (SOLUTION)
  2. What are the trade-offs in the design choice between a single-effect evaporator and a double- or triple-effect evaporator? (SOLUTION)
  3. For the steel ball in example 5.2-1 in Geankoplis (page 333), calculate the time for the ball's temperature to drop to 600oF. (SOLUTION)
  4. Write down an outline of the course, including major and minor topics. In what ways are the momentum-transfer and the heat-transfer parts the same? (SOLUTION)
  5. Additional problem added November 5, 1999:  Double-effect evaporator.