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Society of
Sisters/Society of African-American Men
25th Reunion
Houghton, Michigan
Friday September 30-Sunday October 2, 2016
Valencia Rucker, Emerald Gary, Terrianna Bradley
Friday, September 30, 2016: Karaoke
Betty Chavis sang "Summertime"
Back: Seth Buchanan, Michael Buchanan, Tanya Moore, Hajj
Cornelius Strong, Andrew Davis, xx, Logan McMillan, Nawana Lawson,
Nijhay (Strong
household), Becky Spencer, Kylese Strong
Middle row: Edward Campbell (kneeling), Betty Chavis (on lap,
Strong household), Faith Morrison (Payton, Strong household), Doris
Strong, Vince
Brown, Emerald Gary, Travon Brooks Clifton, Darnishia Slade, yy
Front: Terrianna Bradley, Ashley Benjamin, Valencia Rucker,
Fentress, Rashon xx, Jaime Craig
Photo by Tom Co, at the Morrison/Co house, Cooper Avenue Hancock.
Saturday, October 1, 2016: The Service Project
Habitat build--SIS/SAAM giving back.
Saturday, October 1, 2016: The game
SIS at the Homecoming Game.
SAAM at the Homecoming Game.
Valencia and Blizzard T. Husky at the game.
Saturday, October 1, 2016: The Banquet
M.Cs for the banquet, Jesse Linebarger ‘14, Emerald Gary ‘15
Front Row: Faith Morrison, Becky Spencer, Payton,
Logan McMillan, Doris Strong
Back Row: Kylese Strong, Samantha Fentress, Terrrianna
Bradley, Brenda Ryan ('76, member of the Board of Trustees, speaker of
the event),
Darnishia Slade, Valencia Rucker,
Travon Brooks Clifton, Elesse Bess, Nawana Lawson, Sherrie Smith, Tonya
Moore, De'Jah Hall, Emerald Gary, Nijhay.
Darnishia Slade, Tom Co, Faith Morrison
Doris Strong, speaking to her SIS Michigan Tech experience at the
Sunday, October 2, 2016: The ride home.
Bus heading south in a few minutes (Dar, get off the bus!)
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