Course Offerings for the Remote Sensing Minor

Additional classes, which are already being taught, come from the various member departments. They are generally at the 400 level, and thus are accessible to both undergraduate and graduate students. The initial plan is to have students required to take two classes in Data Acquisition and Processing, two in Data Management and two in Applications and Analysis to complete their minor.

Data Management
Data Acquisition and Processing
Analysis and Applications
Fourier Series and Applications (MA 415)

Probability and Random Signal Principles (MA 418)

Design and Analysis of Experiments (MA 422)

Nonparametric Statistics (MA 428)

Mathematical Sampling Techniques (MA 429)

Numerical Linear Algebra (MA 527)

Multivariate Analysis (MA 589)

Applied Linear Algebra (MA 580)

Elementary Programming Projects (CCS 299)

Intro to Computer Graphics (CS 485)

Statistical Methods I (MA 508)

Statistical Methods II (MA 509)

Geometric and Physical Optics (PH 360)

Digital Signal Processing (EE 435)

Statistical Signal Processing (EE 501-502)

Optical Signal Processing (EE 447)

Geophysical Signal Analysis (GE 488)

Modern Radar Systems (EE 543)

Digital Image Processing I (FW 556)

Digital Image Processing II (FW 558)

Geophysical Remote Sensing (GE 452)

Global Change and Earth Systems (GE 425)

Subsurface GIS (GE 471)

Intro to Meteorology (GE 406/PH 406)

Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (CE 459)

Environmental Water Quality (CE 452)

Natural Hazards (GE 404)

Satellite Limnology (GE 552/BL 552)

Remote Sensing/GIS I (FW 354)

Remote Sensing/GIS II (FW 454)

GIS for Resource Management (FW 555)

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