Gregory M. Odegard
John O. Hallquist Endowed Chair of Computational Mechanics
Director, NASA Space Technology Research Institute (STRI)
for Ultra-Strong
Composites by Computational Design (US-COMP)
Director of Research
Site Director, NSF I/UCRC Center for Novel High
Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures
Department of Mechanical Engineering -
Engineering Mechanics
Technological University
Townsend Drive
MI 49931
University of Denver (2000)
University of Denver (1998)
University of Colorado at Boulder (1995)
of materials
Technological University - 2004 to present
Langley Research Center (NIA, NRC postdoc) - 2000 to
MEEM 2150
Mechanics of
MEEM 4170
Material in Mechanics
MEEM 4405
Introduction to
Finite Element Method
MEEM 4810
Introduction to
Aerospace Engineering
MEEM 4900
Senior Design
MEEM 5110
MEEM 6110
Advanced Continuum
MEEM 6130
Fracture Mechanics
MEEM 6990
Quantum Mechanics for Engineers
Book Chapters
- Valavala, P., G.M. Odegard, "Predicting
mechanical properties using continuum mechanics-based
approach: Micro-mechanics and Finite element analysis", in: New
Developments in Theory and Modeling of Polymer
Nanocomposites, ed. V.V. Ginzburg and L.M. Hall,
Springer Publishing Company (2021)
- Wardle, B.L., J.H. Koo, G.M. Odegard, G.D. Seidel,
"Advanced Nanoengineered Materials", in: Aerospace
Materials and Applications, ed. B.N. Bhat, American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2018)
- Odegard, G.M., "Computational Multiscale Modeling -
Nanoscale to Macroscale", in: Comprehensive Composite Materials II.
Vol. 6, pp. 28-51, ed. P.W.R. Beaumont and C.H. Zweben,
Academic Press, Oxford (2018)
- Odegard, G.M., "Modeling of the Mechanical Properties of
Nanoparticle/Polymer Composites", in: Characterization
Nanocomposites: Technology and Industrial Applications,
ed. F. Abdi, M. Garg, CRC Press (2017)
- Odegard, G.M., "Mutli-Scale Modeling of Polymer CNT
Composites", in: Polymer
Nanotube Composites: Preparation, Properties and
Applications, ed. T. McNally and P. Potschke, Woodhead
Publishing (2011)
- Odegard, G.M., "Multiscale Modeling of Nanocomposite
Materials", in: Virtual
and Predictive Modeling: Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
Allowables, ed. B. Farahmand, Springer (2009)
- Valavala, P.K., G.M. Odegard,
"Thermodynamically-Consistent Multiscale Constitutive Modeling
of Glassy Polymer Materials," in: IUTAM
on Modelling Nanomaterials and Nanosystems, eds. R. Pyrz
and J.C. Rauhe, Springer (2009)
- Odegard, G.M., "Equivalent-Continuum Modeling of
Nanostructured Materials," in: Handbook of Theoretical
and Computational Nanotechnology, eds. M. Rieth and W.
Schommers, American Scientific Publishers (2006)
- Odegard, G.M., "Modeling of Carbon Nanotube/Polymer
Composites," in: Nanoengineering
Structural, Functional and Smart Materials, eds. M.J.
Schulz, A. Kelkar, M.J. Sundaresan, CRC Press (2005)
Publications (Google
citation information)
- Gallegos, I., V.V. Varshney, J.
Kemppainen, G.M. Odegard, "Revealing Nanoscale Mechanisms of
Pyrolysis at Phenolic Resin/Carbon Fiber Interface", Journal
of Materials Science, accepted for publication
- Patil, S.U., J. Kemppainen, M. Maiaru, G.M.
Odegard, "High-Performance,
Multi-Component Epoxy Resin Simulation for Predicting
Thermo-Mechanical Property Evolution During Cure", Polymer
Journal, accepted for publication
- Gallegos, I., V. Varshney, J. Kemppainen, G.M.
Odegard, "Investigating the
Structure-Property Correlations of Pyrolyzed Phenolic Resin
as a Function of Degree of Carbonization", Nanoscale
Advances, accepted for publication
- Pineda, E., J.F. Husseini, J.D. Kemppainen,
B.A. Bednarcyk, W.A. Pisani, G.M. Odegard, "Multiscale Modeling
of Thermoplastics using Atomistic-informed Micromechanics",
AIAA Journal, accepted for publication
- Odegard, G.M., R. Liang, I. Guven, E.J.
Siochi, "Special
Issue on Advanced High-Strength Composites for Aerospace
Structures", Composites Part B: Engineering,
Vol. 292, 112074 (2025)
- Sharifian, A. P. Fareghi, M. Baghani, G.M.
Odegard, A.C.T. van Duin, A. Rajabpour, J. Wu, M. Baniassadi,
Novel Structural Complexity of Spiral Carbon Nanomaterials:
Review on Mechanical, Thermal, and Interfacial Behaviors via
Molecular Dynamics", Journal of Molecular Structure,
Vol. 1321, 139837 (2025)
- Bamane, S.S., P.P. Deshpande, S.U. Patil, M.
Maiaru, G.M. Odegard, "Evolution of
Physical, Thermal, and Mechanics Properties of PMMA-based
Elium Thermoplastic Polymer during Polymerization", Journal
of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 128, pp. 15639-15648
- Winetrout, J.J., K. Kanhaiya, J. Kemppainen,
P.J. in ‘t Veld, G. Sachdeva, R. Pandey, B. Damirchi, A. van
Duin, G.M. Odegard, H. Heinz, "Implementing
Reactivity in Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Harmonic
Force Fields", Nature Communications, Vol. 15,
7945 (2024)
- Patil, S.U., J. Kemppainen, T. Wavrunek, G.M.
Odegard, "The
Effect of Gamma-Ray Irradiation on Polymer-Graphene
Nanocomposite Interfaces", Composites Part B: Engineering,
Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 284, 111715 (2024)
- Kemppainen, J., J. Gissinger, S. Gowtham, G.M.
Odegard, "LUNAR:
Automated Input Generation and Analysis for Reactive LAMMPS
Simulations", Journal of Chemical Information and
Modeling, Vol. 64, no. 13, pp. 5108–5126 (2024)
- Kasraiea, M., A.S. Krieg, A.C. Abbott, A.
Gawde, T.C. Eisele, J.A. King, G.M. Odegard, J.W. Baur, and
P.P.S.S. Abadi, "Carbon
Nanotube as a Conductive Rheological Modifier for Carbon
Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy 3D Printing Inks", Composites
Part B: Engineering, Vol. 282, 111583 (2024)
- Vondrasek, B., C. Evers, C. Jolowsky, G.M.
Odegard, Z. Liang, M.W. Czabaj, "TGA
Characterization of Multidirectional
Carbon-Nanotube-Yarn/Bismaleimide Laminates Under Tensile
Loading", Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.
280, 111465 (2024)
- Kashmari, K., S.U. Patil, J. Kemppainen, S.
Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "Optimal
molecular dynamics system size for increased precision and
efficiency for epoxy materials", Journal of Physical
Chemistry Part B: Biophysics, Biomaterials, Liquids, Soft
Matter, Vol. 128, no. 17, pp. 4255–4265 (2024)
- Dash, S., M. Levy, G.M. Odegard, "Band structure
reconfiguration and surface Faraday rotation in
Bi-substituted iron garnets", Optical Materials
Express, Vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 715–724 (2024)
- Aluko, O., S. Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "The
Microscale Behaviors and Damage Evolutions of Graphene
Nanoplatelet (GNP)/Epoxy Nanocomposites", Journal of
Micromechanics and Molecular Physics, accepted for
- Al Mahmud, H., S.U. Patil, G.M. Odegard, "Tradeoff
in Interfacial Shear Strength and Elastic Properties in
Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites", Express
Polymer Letters, Vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 337–347 (2024)
- Park, J.G., C. Evers, C. Jolowsky, B.
Vondrasek, K. Thagard, M. Czabaj, B. Ku, Y. Wang, T.
Dumitrica, G.M. Odegard, Z. Liang, "Gamma-Ray
Irradiation to Achieve High Tensile Performance of
Unidirectional CNT Yarn Laminates", Carbon, Vol.
216, 118530 (2024)
Sachdeva, G., A. Lobato, R. Pandey, G.M.
Odegard, "A
Micromechanical Study of Cyanate Ester Monomer and Graphene
or BN Monolayer Interactions", Materials, Vol.
17, no. 1, 108 (2024)
- Kashmari, K., H. Al Mahmud, S.U. Patil, W.A.
Pisani, P. Deshpande, M. Maiaru, G.M. Odegard, "Multiscale
Process Modeling of Semi-Crystalline PEEK for Tailored
Thermo-Mechanical Properties", ACS Applied
Engineering Materials, Vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 3167–3177
- Kemppainen, J., I. Gallegos, A.S. Krieg, J.R.
Gissinger, K.E. Wise, M. Kowalik, J.A. King, S. Gowtham, A.
van Duin, G.M. Odegard, "Evolution of
Glassy Carbon Derived from Pyrolysis of Furan Resin", ACS
Applied Engineering Materials, Vol. 1, no. 10, pp.
2555-2566 (2023)
- Gallegos, I., J. Kemppainen, J.R. Gissinger,
M. Kowalik, A. van Duin, K.E. Wise, S. Gowtham, G.M. Odegard,
Physical and Chemical Mechanisms of Polymerization and
Pyrolysis of Phenolic Resins for Carbon-Carbon Composites",
Carbon Trends, Vol. 12, 100290 (2023)
- Patil, S.U., A.S. Krieg, L.K. Odegard, U.
Yadav, J.A. King, M. Maiaru, G.M. Odegard, "Simple and
Convenient Mapping of Molecular Dynamics Mechanical Property
Predictions of Bisphenol-F Epoxy for Strain Rate,
Temperature, and Degree of Cure", Soft Matter,
Vol. 19, pp. 6731-6742 (2023)
- Evers, C., B. Vondrasek, C. Jolowsky, J.G.
Park, M. Czabaj, B. Ku , K. Thagard, G.M. Odegard, Z. Liang, "Scalable High
Tensile Modulus Composite Laminates Using Continuous Carbon
Nanotube Yarns for Aerospace Applications", ACS
Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 11260−11268
- Odegard, G.M., Z. Liang, E.J. Siochi, J.A.
Warren, "A
Successful Strategy for MGI-Inspired Research", MRS
Bulletin, Vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 434−438 (2023)
- Bamane, S.S., M.B. Jakubinek, K. Kanhaiya, B.
Ashrafi, H. Heinz, G.M. Odegard, "Boron Nitride
Nanotubes: Force Field Parameterization, Epoxy Interfacial
Interactions, and Comparison with Carbon Nanotubes", ACS
Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 3513−3524
- Gissinger, J., S.R. Zavada; J.G. Smith; J.
Kemppainen; I. Gallegos; G.M. Odegard; E.J. Siochi; K.E. Wise,
Char Yield of High-Temperature Resins", Carbon,
Vol. 202, pp. 336-347 (2023)
- Al Mahmud, H., S.U. Patil, M.S. Radue, G.M.
Odegard, "Probing the
Influence of Surface Chemical Functionalization on Graphene
Nanoplatelets-Epoxy Interfacial Shear Strength using
Molecular Dynamics", Nanomaterials, Vol. 13, 287
- Shah, S.P.,
S.U. Patil, C.J. Hansen, G.M. Odegard, M. Maiaru, "Process
Modeling and Characterization of Thermoset Composites
for Residual Stress Prediction", Mechanics of
Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 30, no. 3,
pp. 486-497 (2023)
- Sachdeva, G., S.U. Patil, P. Deshpande, W.A.
Pisani, S. Bamane, G.M. Odegard, and R. Pandey, "Mechanical
Response of Polymer/BN Composites Investigated by Molecular
Dynamics Method", Journal of Materials Research,
Vol. 37, no. 24, pp. 4533-4543 (2022)
- Odegard, G.M.,
S.U. Patil, P.S. Gaikwad, P. Deshpande, A.S. Krieg, S.P.
Shah, A. Reyes, T. Dickens, J.A. King, and M. Maiaru, "Accurate
Predictions of Thermoset Resin Glass Transition
Temperatures from All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulation",
Soft Matter, Vol. 18, pp. 7550-7558 (2022)
- Gaikwad, P., M. Kowali, A. van
Duin, G.M. Odegard, "Computational
Study of Effect of Radiation Induced Crosslinking on the
Properties of Flattened Carbon Nanotubes", RSC
Advances, Vol. 12, pp. 28945-28953 (2022)
- Gaikwad, P.S., M. Kowalik, B.D. Jensen, A. van
Duin, G.M. Odegard, "Molecular
Dynamics Modeling of Interfacial Interactions Between
Flattened Carbon Nanotubes and Amorphous Carbon:
Implications for Ultra-Lightweight Composites", ACS
Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 5915-5924
- Gaikwad, P.S., A.S. Krieg, P.P. Deshpande,
S.U. Patil, J.A. King, M. Maiaru, G.M. Odegard, "Understanding
the Origin of the Low Cure-Shrinkage of Polybenzoxazine
Resin by Computational Simulation", ACS Applied
Polymer Materials, Vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 6407-6415 (2021)
- Odegard, G.M., S.U. Patil, P. Deshpande, K.
Kanhaiya, J. Winetrout, H. Heinz, S. Shah, M. Maiaru, "Molecular
Dynamics Modeling of Epoxy Resins using the Reactive
Interface Force Field", Macromolecules, Vol. 54,
pp. 9815-9824 (2021)
- Patil, S.U., S. Shah, M.N. Olaya, P.
Deshpande, M. Maiaru, G.M. Odegard, "Reactive
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Epoxy for the Full
Crosslinking Process", ACS Applied Polymer Materials,
Vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 5788-5797 (2021)
- Xu, H., G. Drozdov, J.G. Park, B.D. Jensen,
K.E. Wise, Z. Liang, G.M. Odegard, E.J. Siochi, T. Dumitrica,
Design of Large-Diameter Carbon Nanotube Bundles for High
Strength Materials", ACS Applied Nano Materials,
Vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 11115-11125 (2021)
- Deshpande, P.P., M.S. Radue,
P. Gaikwad, S. Bamane, S.U. Patil, W.A. Pisani, G.M.
Odegard, "Prediction
of Interfacial Properties of High-Performance Polymers and
Flattened CNT-Reinforced Composites using Molecular
Dynamics", Langmuir, Vol. 37, no. 39, pp.
11526-11534 (2021)
- Al Mahmud, H., M.S. Radue,
W.A. Pisani, G.M. Odegard, "Computational
Modeling of Hybrid Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites
Reinforced with Functionalized and Non-Functionalized
Graphene Nanoplatelets", Nanomaterials, Vol.
11, 2919 (2021)
- Krieg, A.S., J.A. King, G.M. Odegard, T.R.
Leftwich, L.K. Odegard, P.D. Fraley, I. Miskioglu, C.
Jolowsky, M. Lundblad, J.G. Park, and R. Liang, "Mechanical
Properties and Characterization of Epoxy Composites
Containing Highly Entangled As-received and Acid Treated
Carbon Nanotubes", Nanomaterials, Vol. 11, 2445
- Bamane, S.S., P.S. Gaikwad, M.S. Radue, S.
Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "Wetting
Simulations of High-Performance Polymer Resins on Carbon
Surfaces as a Function of Temperature using Molecular
Dynamics", Polymers, Vol.
13, no. 13, 2162 (2021)
- Al Mahmud, H., M.S. Radue, S.
Chinkanjanarot, G.M. Odegard, "Multiscale
Modeling of Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites Reinforced with
Functionalized and Non-Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelets",
Polymers, Vol. 13, no. 12, 1958 (2021)
- Kirmani, M.H., G. Sachdeva, R. Pandey, G.M.
Odegard, R. Liang, S. Kumar "Cure Behavior
Changes and Compression of Carbon Nanotubes in Aerospace
grade Bismaleimide-Carbon Nanotube Sheet Nanocomposites",
ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 4, no. 3, pp.
2476-2485 (2021)
- Pisani, W.A., M.S. Radue, S.U. Patil, G.M.
Odegard, "Interfacial
Modeling of Flattened CNT Composites with Cyanate Ester and
PEEK Polymers", Composites Part B, Vol.
211, 108672 (2021)
- Sachdeva, G., A. Lobato, R. Pandey, G.M.
Odegard, "Mechanical
Response of Polymer Epoxy/BMI Composites with Graphene and
Boron Nitride Monolayer from First Principles", ACS Applied Polymer
Materials, Vol. 3, pp. 1052-1059 (2021)
- Rahman, A., P. Deshpande, M.S. Radue, G.M.
Odegard, S. Gowtham, S. Ghosh, A.D. Spear, "A
Machine Learning Framework for Predicting the Shear Strength
of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Interfaces based on Molecular
Dynamics Simulation Data", Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 207, 108627 (2021)
- Damirchi, B., M.S. Radue, K. Kanhaiya, H.
Heinz, G.M. Odegard, A.C.T. van Duin, "ReaxFF
Reactive Force Field Study of Polymerization of Polymer
Matrix in Carbon Nanotube - Composite System", Journal
of Physical Chemistry Part C, Vol. 124, no. 37, pp.
20488-20497 (2020)
- Patil, S.U., M.S. Radue, W.A. Pisani, P.
Deshpande, H. Xu, H. Al Mahmud, T. Dumitrică, G.M. Odegard, "Interfacial
Characteristics between Flattened CNT Stacks and Polyimides:
A Molecular Dynamics Study", Computational Materials
Science, Vol. 185, 109970 (2020)
- Onuoha, C., G. Drozdov, Z. Liang, G.M.
Odegard, E. Siochi, T. Dumitrica, "Computational
Investigation of Large Diameter Carbon Nanotubes in Bundles
for High Strength Materials", ACS Applied Nano
Materials, Vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 5014-5018 (2020)
- Aluko, O., G.M. Odegard, "The
Assessment of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Geometry on the
Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites", Journal
of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics, Vol. 5, no.
3, 2050005 (2020)
- Sharifian, A.; M. Baghani; G.M. Odegard; J. Wu; A. van
Duin, M. Baniassadi, "How to
Characterize Interfacial Load Transfer in Spiral
Carbon-Based Nanostructures-Reinforcement Nanocomposites: Is
This a Gemoetry-Dependent Process?", Physical Chemistry Chemical
Physics, Vol. 21, no. 43, pp. 23880-23892
- Tomasi, J.M., A.S. Krieg, N.J. Jensen, I. Miskioglu, J.A.
King, G.M. Odegard, "Accelerated
Hygrothermal Aging of Talc Nanoparticle/Cycloaliphatic Epoxy
Composites", Polymer
Composites, Vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 2946-2953 (2019)
- Al Mahmud, H., M.S. Radue, S. Chinkanjanarot, W.A.
Pisani, Gowtham S., G.M. Odegard, "Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Fiber-
Graphene Nanoplatelet-Epoxy Hybrid Composites Using a
Reactive Force Field", Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 172,
pp. 628-635 (2019)
- Fadayomi, O., P.G. Sanders, G.M. Odegard, "Microstructure and properties of
precipitation-hardened Zr and Zn-Zr based aluminum alloys",
Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, Vol. 788, pp. 1218-1230 (2019)
- Sharifian, A., M. Baghani, J. Wu, G.M. Odegard, M.
Baniassadi, "Insight of Geometry-Controlled Mechanical
Properties of Spiral Carbon-Based Nanostructures", Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
Vol. 123, No. 5, pp. 3226-3238 (2019)
- Pisani, W.A., M.S. Radue; S. Chinkanjanarot; B.A.
Bednarcyk; E.J. Pineda; K. Waters; R. Pandey; J.A. King; G.M.
Odegard, "Multiscale Modeling of PEEK using Reactive
Molecular Dynamics Modeling and Micromechanics", Polymer, Vol.
163, pp. 96-105 (2019)
- Fadayomi, O., R. Clark, V. Thole, P.G. Sanders, G.M.
Odegard, "Investigation of Al-Zn-Zr and Al-Zn-Ni
Alloys for High Electrical Conductivity and Strength
Application", Materials
Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties,
Microstructure and Processing, Vol. 743, pp. 785-797
- Aluko, O., S. Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "The
Multiscale Modeling of Aluminum Nickel-Coated Carbon Fiber
Metal Matrix Composites", International Journal of
Modern Engineering, Vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 28-35 (2019)
- Chinkanjanarot, S., J.M. Tomasi, J.A. King, G.M. Odegard,
Conductivity of Graphene Nanoplatelet/Cycloaliphatic Epoxy
Composites: Multiscale Modeling", Carbon, Vol. 140, pp.
653-663 (2018)
- Aluko, O., S. Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "The
Development of Multiscale Models for Predicting the
Mechanical Response of GNP Reinforced Composite Plate",
Composites Structures,
Vol. 206, pp. 526-534 (2018)
- Wheatley, B.B., G.M. Odegard, K.R. Kaufman, T.L. Haut
Donahue, "Modeling Skeletal
Muscle Stress and Intramuscular Pressure: A Whole Muscle
Active-Passive Approach", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol.
140, no. 8, 081006 (2018)
- Krieg, A., J. King, D. Jaszczak, I. Miskioglu, O. Mills,
G.M. Odegard, "Tensile and Conductivity Properties of
Carbon Black/Epoxy, Graphene Nanoplatelet/Epoxy, and Carbon
Black/Graphene Nanoplatelet/Epoxy Composites", Journal of Composites Materials,
Vol. 52, no. 28, pp. 3909-3918 (2018)
- Yao, W., G.M. Odegard, Z. Huang, Y. Yuan, H.
Asayesh-Ardakani, S. Sharifi-Asl, M. Cheng, B. Song, R.
Deivanayagam, F. Long, C. Friedrich, K. Amine, J. Lu, R.
Shahbazian-Yassar, "Cations Controlled Growth of β-MnO2 Crystals
with Tuneable Facets for Electrochemical Energy Storage",
Nano Energy, Vol. 48,
pp. 301-311 (2018)
- Radue, M.S., G.M. Odegard, "Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Fiber/Carbon
Nanotube/Epoxy Hybrid Composites: Comparison of Epoxy
Matrices", Composites
Science and Technology, Vol. 166, pp. 20-26 (2018)
- Odegard, G.M., R. Liang, K.E. Wise, "Editorial: Special issue on carbon nanotube
composites", Composites
Science and Technology, Vol. 166, pp. 1-2 (2018)
- Radue, M.S. V. Varshney, J.W. Baur, A.K. Roy, G.M.
Odegard "Molecular Modeling of Crosslinked Polymers
with Complex Cure Pathways: A Case Study of Bismaleimide
Resins", Macromolecules,
Vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 1830-1840 (2018)
- Jensen, B.D., G.M. Odegard, J.W. Kim, G. Sauti, E.J.
Siochi, K.E. Wise, "Simulating
the Effects of Carbon Nanotube Continuity and Interfacial
Bonding on Composite Strength and Stiffness", Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 166, pp. 10-19 (2018)
- Chinkanjanarot, S., M.S. Radue, S. Gowtham, J.M. Tomasi,
D.R. Klimek-McDonald, J.A. King, G.M. Odegard, "Multiscale
Thermal Modeling of Cured Cycloaliphatic Epoxy/Carbon Fiber
Composites", Journal
of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 135, no. 25, 46371
- Radue, M.S., B.D. Jensen, S. Gowtham, D.R.
Klimek-McDonald, J.A. King, G.M. Odegard, "Comparing the
Mechanical Response of Di-, Tri-, and Tetra-functional Resin
Epoxies with Reactive Molecular Dynamics", Jounral of Polymer Science Part
B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 56, pp. 255-264 (2018)
- Tomasi, J.M., J.A. King, A.S. Krieg, I. Miskioglu, G.M.
Odegard, "Thermal, Electrical, and Mechanical
Proerties of Talc- and Glass Microsphere-Reinforced
Cycloaliphatic Epoxy Nanocomposites", Polymer Composites, Vol.
39, no. S3, pp. E1581-E1588 (2018)
- King, J.A., J.M. Tomasi, D.R. Klimek-McDonald, I.
Miskioglu, G.M. Odegard, T.R. King, J.W. Sutherland "Effects
of Carbon Fillers on Conductivity and Tensile Properties of
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Composites", Polymer Composites, Vol.
39, no. S2, pp. E807-E816 (2018)
- Klimek-McDonald, D.R., J.A. King, I. Miskioglu, E.J.
Pineda, G.M. Odegard, "Determination and
Modeling of Mechanical Properties for Graphene
Nanoplatelet/Epoxy Composites", Polymer Composites, Vol.
39, no. 6, pp. 1845-1851 (2018)
- Aluko, O., S. Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "Multiscale
and Analysis of Graphene Nanoplatelet/Carbon Fiber/Epoxy
Hybrid Composites", Composites
B, Vol. 131, pp. 82-90 (2017)
- Aluko, O., S. Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "Effect of Temperature on Elastic and
Yielding behavior of Epoxy using Reactive Force Field",
International Journal of
Modern Engineering, Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 13-19 (2017)
- Wheatley, B.B.; G.M. Odegard; K.R. Kaufman; T.L. Haut
Donahue, "A
Validated Model of Passive Skeletal Muscle to Predict Force
and Intramuscular Pressure", Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,
Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1011-1022 (2017)
- Wheatley, B.B., G.M. Odegard, K.R. Kaufman, T.L. Haut
Donahue, "A
Case for Poroelasticity in Skeletal Muscle Finite Element
Analysis: Experiment and Modeling", Computer Methods in Biomechanics
and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 20, no. 6, pp.
598-601 (2017)
- J.M. Tomasi, I.D. Helman, W.A. Pisani, D.R.
Klimek-McDonald, S. Chinkanjanarot, I. Miskioglu, J.A. King,
G.M. Odegard, "Accelerated
aging of cycloaliphatic epoxy/graphene nanoparticle
composites", Polymer
Degradation and Stability, Vol. 133, pp. 131-135
- Wheatley, B.B., G.M. Odegard, K.R. Kaufman, T.L. Haut
Donahue, "How
does tissue preparation affect skeletal muscle transverse
isotropy?", Journal
of Biomechanics, Vol. 49, no. 13, pp. 3056-3060
- Jensen, B.D., K.E. Wise, G.M. Odegard, "Simulation
of Mechanical Performance Limits and Failure of Carbon
Nanotube Composites", Modeling
in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 24, no. 2,
025012 (2016)
- Wheatley, B.B., D.A. Morrow, G.M. Odegard, K.R. Kaufman,
T.L. Haut Donahue, "Skeletal
tensile strain dependence: hyperviscoelastic nonlinearity",
Journal of the Mechanical
Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 53, pp.
445-454 (2016)
- King, J.A., W.A. Pisani, D.R. Klimek-McDonald, W.F.
Perger, G.M. Odegard, D.G. Turpeinen, "Shielding
Effectiveness of Carbon Filled Polypropylene Composites",
Journal of Composite
Materials, Vol. 50, no. 16, pp. 2177-2189 (2015)
- Asayesh-Ardakani, H., A. Nie, P.M. Marley, Y. Zhu,
P. Phillips, S. Singh, F. Mashayek, G. Sambandamurthy, K.B.
Low, R.F. Klie, S. Banerjee, G.M. Odegard, R.
Shahbazian-Yassar, "Atomic
Origins of Monoclinic-Tetragonal (Rutile) Phase Transition
in Doped VO2 Nanowires", Nano Letters, Vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 7179-7188
- Jensen, B.D., K.E. Wise, G.M. Odegard, "Simulation
of the Elastic and Ultimate Tensile Properties of Diamond,
Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes, and Amorphous Carbon Using a
Revised ReaxFF Parameterization", Journal of Physical Chemistry A,
Vol. 119, no. 37, pp. 9710-9721 (2015)
- Hadden, C.M., D.R. Klimek-McDonald, E.J. Pineda, J.A.
King, A.M. Reichanadter, I. Miskioglu, S. Gowtham, G.M.
Odegard, "Mechanical
of Graphene Nanoplatelet/Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid
Composites: Multiscale Modeling and Experiments", Carbon, Vol. 95, pp.
100-112 (2015) (preprint)
- King, J.A., W.A. Pisani, D.R. Klimek-McDonald, W.F.
Perger, G.M. Odegard, "Shielding
Effectiveness of Carbon Filled Polycarbonate Composites",
Journal of Applied Polymer
Science, Vol. 132, no. 43, 42719 (2015)
- Jensen, B.D., K.E. Wise, G.M. Odegard, "The
effect of time step, thermostat, and strain rate on ReaxFF
simulations of mechanical failure in diamond, graphene, and
carbon nanotube", Journal
of Computational Chemistry, Vol. 36, no. 21, pp.
1587-1596 (2015)
- Yuan, Y., A. Nie, G.M. Odegard, R. Xu, D. Zhou, S.
Santhanagopalan, K. He, H. Ardakani, D. Meng, R.F. Klie, C.
Johnson, J. Lu, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, "Asynchronous
Crystal Cell Expansion during Lithiation of K+-Stabalized
α-MnO2", Nano Letters,
Vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 2998-3007 (2015)
- Kumar, A., S. Li, J.A. King, G.M. Odegard, S. Roy, "Fracture
of Nanographene Reinforced EPON 862 Thermoset Polymer System",
Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 114, no. 19, pp. 87-93 (2015)
- Jensen, E.R., D.A. Morrow, J.P. Felmlee, G.M. Odegard,
K.R. Kaufman, "Error
of Cine Phase Contrast MRI Velocity Measurements used for
Strain Calculation", Journal
of Biomechanics, Vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 95-103 (2015)
- King, J.A., D.R. Klimek, I. Miskioglu, G.M. Odegard, "Mechanical
Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelet/Epoxy Composites", Journal of Composite Materials,
Vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 659-668 (2015)
- O. Aluko, S. Gowtham, G.M. Odegard, "A
Molecular Dynamic Modelling of Cross-Linked Epoxy Resin
Using Reactive Force Field: Thermo-Mechanical Properties",
Journal of Mechanics
Engineering and Automation, Vol. 5, pp. 655-666
- Adhikari, S., H. Wang, Z. You, G.M. Odegard, P. Hao, "Modeling
the Asphalt Concrete to Compare Uniaxial, Hollow
Cylindrical, and Indirect Tensile Test", International Journal of
Pavement Research and Technology, Vol. 7, no. 5, pp.
352-360 (2014)
- Gao, Q., G. Meng, A. Nie, F. Mashayek, C. Wang, G.M.
Odegard, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, "Direct Evidence
of Lithium-Induced Atomic Ordering in Amorphous TiO2
Nanotubes", Chemistry
of Materials, Vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1660-1669 (2014)
- Odegard, G.M., B.D. Jensen, S. Gowtham, J. Wu, J. He, Z.
Zhang, "Predicting
Response of Crosslinked Epoxy using ReaxFF", Chemical Physics Letters,
Vol. 591, pp. 175 - 178 (2014) (preprint)
- Zhao, J., S. Nagao, G.M. Odegard, Z. Zhang, H.
Kristiansen, J. He, "Size-Dependent
of Nanoscale Polymer Particles Through Coarse-Grained
Molecular Dynamics Simulation", Nanoscale Research Letters,
Vol. 8, 541 (2013)
- Wu, J., J. He, G.M. Odegard, S. Nagao, Q.S. Zheng, Z.
Zhang, "Giant
Stretchability and Reversibility of Tightly-Wound Helical
Carbon Nanotubes", Journal
of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 135, no.
37, pp. 13775-13785 (2013)
- Wu, J., J. He, G.M. Odegard and Z. Zhang, "Effect
of chain architecture on the compression behavior of
nanoscale polyethylene particles", Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol.
8, 322 (2013)
- Hadden, C.M., B.D. Jensen, A. Bandyopadhyay, G.M.
Odegard, A. Koo, R. Liang, "Molecular
of EPON-862/Graphite Composites: Interfacial Characteristics
for Multiple Crosslink Densities", Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 76, pp. 92-99 (2013) (preprint)
- King, J.A., D.R. Klimek, I. Miskioglu, G.M. Odegard, "Mechanical
of Graphite Nanoplatelet/Epoxy Composites", Journal of Applied Polymer
Science, Vol. 128, no. 6, pp. 4217-4223 (2013)
- Bandyopadhyay, A., G.M. Odegard, "Molecular
Modeling of Physical Aging in Epoxy Polymers", Journal of Applied Polymer
Science, Vol. 128, no. 1, pp. 660-666 (2013) (preprint)
- Jensen, B.D., A. Bandyopadhyay, K.E. Wise, G.M. Odegard,
ReaxFF Simulation Parameters for Molecular Dynamics Modeling
of Reactive Carbon Gases", Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation,
Vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 3003-3008 (2012)
- Momeni, K., G.M. Odegard, R.S. Yassar, "Finite-Size
Piezoelectric Properties of ZnO Nanobelts: A Molecular
Dynamics Approach", Acta
Materialia, Vol. 60, no. 13-14, pp. 517-5124 (2012)
- Bandyopadhyay, A., G.M. Odegard, "Molecular
of Crosslink Distribution in Epoxy Polymers", Modeling and Simulation in
Materials Science and Engneering, Vol. 20, no. 4,
045018 (2012) (preprint)
- Odegard, G.M., A. Bandyopadhyay, "Physical Aging
of Epoxy Polymers and Their Composites", Journal of Polymer Science Part
B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 49, no. 24, pp. 1695-1716
(2011) (preprint)
- Abraham, A.C., C.R. Edwards, G.M. Odegard, T.L. Haut
Donahue, "Regional
Fiber Oreintation Dependent Shear Properties and Anisotropy
of Bovine Meniscus", Journal
of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol.
4, no. 8, pp. 2024-2030 (2011)
- Aifantis, K.E., S. Shrivastava, G.M. Odegard, "Transverse
of Collagen Fibers from Nanoindentation", Journal of Materials Science:
Materials in Medicine, Vol. 22, no. 6, pp.
1375-1381 (2011)
- Bandyopadhyay, A., P.K. Valavala, T.C. Clancy, K.E. Wise,
G.M. Odegard, "Molecular
of Crosslinked Epoxy Polymers: The Effect of Crosslink
Density on Thermomechanical Properties", Polymer, Vol. 52,
no. 11, pp. 2445-2452 (2011)
- Abraham, A.C., J.T. Moyer, D.F. Villegas, G.M. Odegard,
T.L. Haut Donahue, "Hyperelastic
of Human Meniscal Attachments", Journal of Biomechanics, Vol.
44, no. 3, pp. 413-418 (2011)
- You, Z., J. Mills-Beale, F. Justin, S. Roy, G.M. Odegard,
Q. Dai, S.W. Goh, "Nanoclay-Modified
Materials: Preparation and Characterization", Construction and Building
Materials, Vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 1072-1078 (2011)
- Momeni, K., G.M. Odegard, R.S. Yassar, "Nanocomposite
Generator Based on Piezoelectric Zinc Oxide Nanowires",
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.
108, no. 11, 114303 (2010)
- Odegard, G.M. and E.C. Aifantis, "Multiscale
Modeling of Graphite Plain-Weave Composites with a
SWNT-Reinforced Epoxy Matrix", World Journal of Engineering, Vol. 7, no. 2,
pp. 251-255 (2010) (preprint)
- Morrow, D.A., T.L. Haut Donahue, G.M. Odegard, K.R.
Kaufman, "A
Method for Assessing the Fit of a Constitutive Material
Model to Experimental Stress-Strain Data", Computer Methods in Biomechanics
and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 13, no. 2, pp.
247-256 (2010)
- Morrow, D.A., T.L. Haut Donahue, G.M. Odegard, K.R.
Kaufman, "Transversely
Tensile Materials Properties of Skeletal Muscle Tissue",
Journal of the Mechanical
Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 3, no. 1, pp.
124-129 (2010)
- Richards, A.W. and G.M. Odegard, "Constitutive
Modeling of Electrostrictive Polymers using a
Hyperelasticity-Based Approach", Journal of Applied Mechanics,
Vol. 77, no. 1, 014502 (2010) (preprint)
- Valavala, P.K., G.M. Odegard, E.C. Aifantis, "Influence
Volume Element Size on Predicted Elastic Properties of
Polymer Materials", Modeling
and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,
Vol. 17, no. 4, 045004 (2009) (preprint)
- Elangovan, S., G.M. Odegard, D.A. Morrow, H. Wang, M.N.
Hebert-Blouin, R.J. Spinner, "Intraneural
A Clinical Problem Deserving a Mechanistic Explanation and
Model", Neurosurgical
Focus, Vol. 26, no. 2, E11 (2009)
- Hauch, K.N., M.L. Oyen, G.M. Odegard, T.L. Haut Donahue,
the Insertional Zones of Human Meniscal Attachments into
Underlying Bone", Journal
of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials,
Vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 339-347 (2009)
- Valavala, P.K., T.C. Clancy, G.M. Odegard, T.S. Gates,
E.C. Aifantis, "Multiscale
of Polymer Materials using a Statistics-Based Micromechanics
Approach", Acta
Materialia, Vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 525-532 (2009) (preprint)
- Odegard, G.M., TL Haut Donahue, D.A. Morrow, K.R.
Kaufman, "Constitutive
Modeling of Skeletal Muscle Tissue with an Explicit
Strain-Energy Function", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol.
130, no. 6, 061017 (2008) (preprint)
- Elangovan, S., B.S. Altan, G.M. Odegard, "An
Elastic Micropolar Mixture Theory for Predicting Elastic
Properties of Cellular Materials", Mechanics of Materials,
Vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 602-614 (2008) (preprint)
- Valavala, P.K., T.C. Clancy, G.M. Odegard, T.S. Gates, "Nonlinear
Modeling of Polymer Materials", International Journal of Solids
and Structures, Vol. 44, no. 3-4, pp. 1161-1179
(2007) (preprint)
- Gates, T.S., X. Su, F. Abdi, G.M. Odegard, H.M. Herring,
of Composite Sandwich Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures",
Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 66, no. 14, pp. 2423-2435 (2006)
- Odegard, G.M., T.S. Gates, "Modeling
and Testing of the Viscoelastic Properties of a Graphite
Nanoplatelet/Epoxy Composite", Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and
Structures, Vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 239-246 (2006) (preprint)
- Chasiotis, I., Q. Chen, G.M. Odegard, T.S. Gates, "Structure-Property
in Polymer Composites with Micrometer and Submicrometer
Graphite Platelets", Experimental
Mechanics, Vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 507-516 (2005)
- Gates, T.S., G.M. Odegard, S.J.V. Frankland, T.C. Clancy,
Modeling and Simulation of Nanostructured Materials", Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 65, no. 15-16, pp. 2416-2434 (2005)
- Valavala, P.K., G.M. Odegard, "Modeling
for Determination of Mechanical Properties of Polymer
Nanocomposites", Reviews
on Advanced Materials Science, Vol. 9, no. 1, pp.
34-44 (2005)
- Odegard, G.M., T.S. Gates, H.M. Herring, "Characterization
Properties of Polymeric Materials Through Nanoindentation,"
Experimental Mechanics,
Vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 130-136 (2005) (preprint)
- Odegard, G.M., T.C. Clancy, T.S. Gates, "Modeling
the Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle/Polymer Composites,"
Polymer, Vol. 46, no.
2, pp. 553-562 (2005) (preprint)
- Odegard, G.M., S.J.V. Frankland, T.S. Gates, "Effect
of Nanotube Functionalization on the Elastic Properties of
Polyethylene Nanotube Composites", AIAA Journal, Vol. 43,
no. 8, pp. 1828-1835 (2005)
- Odegard, G.M., "Constitutive
of Piezoelectric Polymer Composites," Acta Materialia, Vol. 52,
no. 18, pp. 5315-5330 (2004) (preprint)
- Odegard, G.M., R.B. Pipes, P. Hubert, "Comparison
Two Models of SWCN Polymer Composites," Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 64, no. 7-8, pp. 1011-1020 (2004) (preprint)
- Odegard, G.M., T.S. Gates, K.E. Wise, C. Park, E.J.
Siochi, "Constitutive
of Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composites," Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 1671-1687 (2003)
- Frankland, S.J.V., V.M. Harik, G.M. Odegard, T.S. Gates,
of Polymer Carbon-Nanotube Composites: Molecular
Dynamics Simulation Results," Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 63,
no. 11, pp. 1655-1661 (2003)
- Wang, Y., C. Sun, X. Sun, J. Hinkley, G.M. Odegard, T.S.
Gates, "2-D
Finite Element Analysis of Polymer Field," Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 1581-1590 (2003)
- Odegard, G.M., T.S. Gates, L.M. Nicholson, K.E. Wise, "Equivalent-Continuum
of Nano-Structured Materials," Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 62,
no. 14, pp. 1869-1880 (2002) (preprint)
- Searles, K., G. Odegard, M. Kumosa. "The
Effect of Eccentric Loads on the Macroscopic Strain and
Stress Distributions in Woven Fabric Composite Iosipescu
Specimens," Journal
of Composite Materials, Vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 571-588
- Kumosa, M., G. Odegard, D. Armentrout, L. Kumosa, K.
Searles, J.K. Sutter. "Comparison of the
+-45 deg Off-Axis and Iosipescu Shear Tests for Woven Fabric
Composite Materials," Journal
of Composites Technology & Research, Vol. 24, no.
1, pp. 3-16 (2002)
- Odegard, G., K. Searles, M. Kumosa. "A
Continuum Elastic-Plastic Model for Woven Fabric/Polymer
Matrix Composite Materials Under Biaxial Stresses," Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 61, no. 16, pp. 2501-2510 (2001)
- Searles, K., G. Odegard, M. Kumosa. "Micro-
of 8-Harness Satin Woven Fabric Composites: Part I:
Evaluation of Elastic Behavior," Composites Part A: Applied
Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 32, no. 11, pp.
1627-1655 (2001)
- Odegard, G., D. Armentrout, K. Searles, L. Kumosa, J.K.
Sutter, M. Kumosa. "Failure Analysis of
+-45deg Off-Axis Woven Fabric Composite Specimens," Journal of Composites Technology
& Research, Vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 205-224 (2001)
- Odegard, G., M. Kumosa. "Elastic-Plastic
Properties of a Unidirectional Graphite/PMR-15 Composite at
Room and Elevated Temperatures," Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 60, no. 16, pp. 2979-2988 (2000)
- Odegard, G., M. Kumosa. "Determination
Shear Strength of Unidirectional Composite Materials with
the Iosipescu and 10 deg Off-Axis Shear Tests," Composites Science and
Technology, Vol. 60, no. 16, pp. 2917-2943 (2000)
- Odegard, G., K. Searles, M. Kumosa. "Nonlinear
Analysis of Woven Fabric-Reinforced Graphite/PMR-15
Composites Under Shear-Dominated Biaxial Loads," Mechanics of Composite Materials
and Structures, Vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 129-152 (2000)
- Searles, K., G. Odegard, M. Castelli, M. Kumosa. "Failure
Investigation of Graphite-Polyimide Fabric Composites at
Room and Elevated Temperatures Using the Biaxial Iosipescu
Test," Journal of
Composite Materials, Vol. 33, no. 23, pp. 2038-2079
- Odegard, G., M. Kumosa. "Elasto-Plastic
of the Iosipescu Shear Test," Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 33, no.
21, pp. 1981-2002 (1999)
- Odegard, G., K. Searles, M. Kumosa. "A Critical
Examination of the Iosipescu Shear Test as Applied to 0 deg
Unidirectional Composite Materials," Mechanics of Composite Materials
and Structures, Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 229-256 (1999)

Michigan Technological
Greg Odegard, Nanotechnology,
Nanostructured Materials, Micromechanics, Mori-Tanaka, Composites,
Multifunctional Materials, Multiscale Modeling, Nanoindentation,
Fracture Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics, Finite Element
Analysis, Density functional theory, DFT, FEA, FEM