MEEM 4810: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics
Michigan Technological University
Fall 2013

Instructor: Dr. Gregory M. Odegard, Associate Professor
Office: 930 MEEM Building
Phone: (906)487-2329
Lecture: M,W,F 1:05 - 1:55 pm  in MEEM 303
Office hours: M,W,F: 9-10 am

"Introduction to Flight: 7th Edition", John D. Anderson. McGraw Hill: ISBN: 978-0-07-338024-7

Tentative course topics:
History of aeronautics and astronautics, anatomy of airplains and spacecraft, aerodynamics, aircraft performance, space environment, space flight, propulsion, and aerospace materials

Announcements concerning homework assignments, exams, etc. will generally be made at the beginning of class before the lecture begins.

The lecture notes will be posted on Canvas

Project assignments will be posted on Canvas and are due at 4:00 pm on the listed due date.  No late project reports will be accepted, however, the lowest report score will be discarded.  The projects are open-ended, therefore, students may consult with others, however, all work turned in must be unique. For each problem, the following items are required for full credit:
Two in-class exams will given during the semester will cover material from the lectures, and will be closed-book. Exams missed due to documented medical problems and other (very) exceptional circumstances will be made up either by oral or written examination on an individual basis.  Exam dates:

Project reports: 25%
2 in-class exams: 25% each
Final exam: 25%

Final grades will be based on the the students' score relative to the average scores of the top members of the class.  Therefore, class performance plays a role in determining the final grade and the number of students who can earn each grade is not limited.  Letter grades: A (90-100%), AB (85-89%), B (80-84%), BC (75-79%), C (70-74%), CD (65-69%), D (60-64%)

University policies:
Academic regulations and procedures are governed by University policy. Academic dishonesty cases will be handled in accordance the University's policies. See the following for appropriate policies:
Academic Integrity:
Affirmative Action:
Disability Services:
Equal Opportunity Statement: