Suggested I.D.-Related Reading

- William A. Dembski and James M. Kushiner, editors.
Signs of Intelligence
(Brazos Press, 2001).
A collection of short articles on a variety of
I.D. related topics. Easy to read.
- Philip Johnson. The Wedge of Truth (Intervarsity Press, 2000).
Cultural and philosophical foundations of the I.D. movement.
- C.S. Lewis. Miracles (Harper, 2001).
Challenging and stimulating discussion of philosophy of naturalism,
its limitations, and miracles.
- Kenneth R. Miller. Finding Darwin's God
(Cliff Street Books, 1999).
Counter to I.D. by a theistic evolutionist.
- Jonathan Wells. Icons of Evoloution (Regnery, 2000).
Important work describing common "false advertising" by evolutionists.
- Richard Carlson, editor. Science and Christianity:
Four Views (InterVarsity Press, 2000).
Excellent presentation and discussion of different theistic views
of science and origins.
- Robert Gange. Origins and Destiny (Word Books, 1986).
- William A. Dembski, editor. Mere Creation:
Science, Faith and Intelligent Design (InterVarsity Press, 1998).
Excellent and fairly comprehenisve introdution to I.D. with chapters
on a wide variety of topics by many authors.