Dislocation Nucleated Etching

of a Diamond-Cubic {111} Surface

kBT=0.05J, L=63, µ=-0.6J
Frames separated by 200 MCS.

Fast animation (~523 kB)

Etching of a silicon 60° mixed perfect dislocation. Strain energies are computed using linear elasticity theory, while core energetics are based upon ab initio calculations of Nandedkar and Narayan (Phil. Mag. A 1990, 61,873). Geometrical effects are not incporporated.

The dislocation is present only for the first part of the animation (3,000 MCS). After which the dislocation exits the solid and the pit continues to serve as a source for steps facilitating layer etching (6,000 MCS more).

Next animation - screw dislocation enhanced growth

Previous animation - Flat-surface etching

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