CP41 has since been cited in at least 29 articles and books in the fields of mineralogy, physics, metallurgy and materials science, and includes publications in German, Russian and English (see Appendix). The paper contains five crystal drawings of Sterling Hill graphite, one of Ticonderoga, New York graphite, four of Sterling Hill arsenopyrite, and one of Sterling Hill native arsenic. Two of the graphite crystal drawings have since been reproduced in other publications. Those of the Ticonderoga crystal (CP41 fig. 5) and one of the Sterling Hill crystals (CP41 fig. 3; see fig. 1 of this paper) appeared in the seventh edition of Dana's System of Mineralogy, which Palache co-authored (Palache, et al. 1944). Reproduction of the figures in Dana's System has probably contributed greatly to Palache's drawings being widely regarded as the "textbook" examples of graphite crystals. Along with a sketch of a synthetic, scroll-type, whisker crystal of graphite, fig. 3 of CP41 also appeared on the cover of the book Preparation and Properties of Solid State Materials, vol. 4. (Wilcox, 1979). It was again reproduced, along with fig. 5 of the Ticonderoga crystal, in the book's first chapter on "Graphite Crystallization", written by I. Minkoff. In the book The Physical Metallurgy of Cast Iron by Minkoff (1983), fig. 5 of the Ticonderoga, NY crystal was included once more, but fig. 3 of the Sterling Hill graphite was not.
Fig. 1. Crystal drawing of graphite from Sterling Hill, NJ,
which appeared originally as fig. 3 in Palache's 1941 paper
in American Mineralogist. The crystal shows the basal
pinacoid c{0001}, the first-order dipyramid p{10-11} and the
second-order dipyramid phi{11-22}. (Drawing recreated using
the computer program SHAPE.)
Overall, the graphite crystals described by Palache in CP41 are considered to have been of superior quality. For example, experts in the laboratory synthesis of synthetic graphite crystals (Austerman, et al., 1967) stated: The natural crystals described by Palache are the highest quality crystals reported in the literature as far as the authors are aware, and his description serves as a point of reference for the graphite crystals grown in the laboratory.
Palache described the Sterling Hill graphite crystals as being up to 1 or 2 mm in diameter, while the best crystals did not exceed 0.5 mm. Although hundreds of graphite crystals were examined by him, only ten were completely measured by optical goniometry. From these 10 crystals, Palache listed 15 sets of measured angles corresponding to 16 different crystal forms (see table 1). Palache noted that most of the crystals had been distorted as a result of tectonic deformation, which caused mechanical twinning of both the graphite and the surrounding calcite. Few graphite crystals remained undistortied or showed only a single twin lamella.
TABLE 1: Graphite crystal forms measured by Palache (1941) from a set of 10 crystals from Sterling Hill, NJ. The basal pinacoid {0001} was used for alignment of the crystals on the goniometer and was not included in table 1 of CP41. Presumably at least one {0001} faced existed on each of the 10 crystals.
The most common form observed by Palache on graphite crystals from Sterling Hill was the basal pinacoid {0001}, which he described as dominant and highly lustrous. The same form is the most common in graphite form almost all other localities woldwide. After that, the first order dipyramids {10-11} and {10-12}, which determined the hexagonal outline of the crystals, were about equally as common. The {10-13} dipyramid was slightly less common, and other dipyramids less common still. Palache noted that only rarely did any one of the dipyramids show all 6 faces on (the top half of) a crystal, and the zone of these faces was often completely striated. The first order prism {10-10} was rarely more than a line face, always rough when present, but often missing altogether. Second order dipyramids, such as {11-22}, occurred as small faces such as truncations of first order dipyramid faces. It is noteworthy that none of the forms listed by Palache corresponds to a general form {hkil} (were h, k, and l are non-zero and have no special relationship to one another), as general forms of graphite not been well-documented in subsequent literature either. Palache did note, however, the existence of crystal faces which were not in the dominant zones and could not be simply indexed.
Fig. 2. (a) Same crystal as in fig. 1 but rotated to a
different viewing orientation using SHAPE. (b) Cleaved
version of (a) which also appears like fig. 1 when viewed
down the c axis, but is more apt to fit Palache's description
of the original crystal.
Graphite usually forms tabular crystals, when it forms
good crystals at all. Of the crystal drawings of graphite in
Palache's paper, two showed the crystals from an inclined
view and clearly are tabular. Palache indicates that at least
figures 1, 2 and 3 represent measured crystals with the
relative prominence of faces in the drawings approximately
corresponding to that of the actual crystals. It is therefore
easy to assume that the crystal depicted in fig. 3 of CP41
(see fig. 1 above) is also tabular. However, as determined
from the Miller indices given in the paper, along with the
angles of inclination of the faces from the c-axis, this cannot
be the case. Using the axial dimensions given by Palache
and the Miller indices corresponding to the crystal illustrated
in fig. 3 of his paper, the Macintosh version of the crystal-
drawing program SHAPE (Dowty and Richards, 1993) was
used to redraw the crystal. The sizes of the faces were
adjusted to match Palache's fig. 3 when viewed directly down
the c-axis (fig. 1 above). SHAPE was then simply used to
rotate the crystal to be viewed away from the c-axis,
whereupon its barrel-shaped morphology immediately
became apparent (see fig. 2a). Such a morphology for
graphite is very uncommon [compare, however, Kvasnitsa et
al. (1988)]. As Palache mentioned that most of the crystals
did not have well-developed faces on both the top and bottom
halves, the crystal corresponding to Palache's fig. 3 might
be only a fraction of that depicted in fig. 2a, as shown in fig.
2b. Unfortunately, attempts to locate this or any of the
other studied graphite crystals at the Harvard Mineralogical
Museum have failed. A batch of insoluble residues from
Bauer has been preserved in a collection recently donated by
John L. Baum (J. L. Baum, personal communication, 1992)
to the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, but is
currently unavailable for study (P. J. Dunn, personal
communication, 1993).
Post-Publication Note:1-mm Graphite crystals from acid
residues in the L.H. Bauer collection in
the Smithsonian do show the barrel-shaped habit.
Palache sought crystals that were free from striations for goniometric measurement. Striations are commonly observed on the basal faces of graphite crystals and have long been recognized as due to mechanical twinning (Sjšgren, 1884). These striations always are oriented diagonally to the hexagonal outline, i.e., along <1-100> directions, and can be induced by the application of only the slightest stress; thus, untwinned, unstriated crystals are rare. By observing an approximate 20deg angle between the basal pinacoids of a twin lamella and the adjacent, untwinned parts of the same crystal, Palache determined that the twin law is by reflection and composition on {11-21} planes (see fig. 3). Palache was apparently the first to identify the twin law, and such is the reason that a large number of subsequent authors have cited CP41. Palache also noted a twin lamella at an angle 16deg 43', corresponding most nearly to a {44-83} twin plane. Growth twins on this twin law as well as other twin laws are now also known (Laves and Baskin, 1956; Freise and Kelly, 1961; Shafranovskii, 1981, 1982, 1983; Jaszczak, 1991, 1992) from several localities.
Dowty, E., and Richards, R. P. (1993) SHAPE, a computer program for drawing crystals. Macintosh Version 4.0.
Freise, E. J., and Kelly, A. (1961) Twinning in graphite. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) A 264, 269- 276.
Frondel, C. (1955) Memorial of Lawson H. Bauer. American Mineralogist 40, 283-285.
Jaszczak, J. A. (1991) Graphite from Crestmore, California. Mineralogical Record 22, 427-431.
Jaszczak, J. A. (1992) Growth twinning in graphite from Crestmore and Jensen quarries, Riverside County, California. Rocks and Minerals 67, 114-115. (Abstract.)
Kolic, J. and Sanford, S. (1993) Recent mineral finds from the Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey. The Picking Table 34 (2), 12-21.
Kvasnitsa, V. N., Krochuk, V. M., Melnikov, V. S., and Yatsenko, V. G. (1988) [Crystal morphology of graphite from magmatic rocks from the Ukrainian Shield.] Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 10(5), 68-76. (In Russian with English summary.)
Laves, F., and Baskin, Y. (1956) On the formation of the rhombohedral graphite modification. Zeitschrift fuŸr Kristallographie 107, S.337-356.
Minkoff, I. (1979) Graphite crystallization. In, Preparation and Properties of Solid State Materials, vol. 4. Morphological Stability, Convection, Graphite, and Integrated Optics. Wilcox, W. R., editor. (Marcel Dekker, New York) 1-48.
Minkoff, I. (1983) The Physical Metallurgy of Cast Iron. (John Wiley and Sons, New York) p. 9.
Palache, C., Berman, H., and Frondel, C. (1944) The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, Yale University 1837-1892. Seventh edition, vol. 1. (John Wiley & Sons, New York) 152.
Shafranovskii, G. I. (1981) [New graphite twins.] Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obschestva 110, 716- 720. (In Russian.)
Shafranovskii, G. I. (1982) [Graphite twins and triads.] Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 4(1), 74-81. (In Russian with English summary.)
Shafranovskii, G. I. (1983) [Classical and non-classical graphite twins.] Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obschestva 112, 577-581. (In Russian.)
Sjošgren, H. (1884) Om grafitens kristallform och fysiska egenskaper. …fversigt af Svenska Vetenskapsakademien Forhandlingar 44, 29-53.
Wilcox, W. R. editor (1979) Preparation and Properties of Solid State Materials, vol. 4. Morphological Stability, Convection, Graphite, and Integrated Optics. (Marcel Dekker, New York).
1. Valter, A. A., Eremenko, G. K., Kvasnitsa, V. N., and Polkanov, Yu. A. (1992) Udarno- Metamorphogennure Mineralur Ugleroda [Shock- Metamorphic Minerals of Carbon.] (Naukova Dumka, Kiev) 172 pp. (In Russian.)
2. Jaszczak, J. A. (1992) Growth twinning in graphite from Crestmore and Jensen quarries, Riverside County, California. Rocks and Minerals 67, 114-115. (Abstract.)
3. Pengra, D. B., and Dash, J. G. (1992) Edge melting in low-coverage adsorbed films. Journal of Physics- Condensed Matter 4, 7317-7332.
4. Jaszczak, J. A. (1991) Graphite from Crestmore, California. Mineralogical Record 22, 427-432.
5. Kvasnitsa, V. N., Krochuk, V. M., Melnikov, V. S., and Yatsenko, V. G. (1988) [Crystal morphology of graphite from magmatic rocks from the Ukrainian Shield.] Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 10(5), 68-76. (In Russian with English summary.)
6. Minkoff, I. (1983) The Physical Metallurgy of Cast Iron. (John Wiley and Sons, New York). Includes figure 5, but not figure 3, from Palache (1941) on page 9.
7. Shafranovskii, G. I. (1982) [Crystallomorphology of graphite from the Ilmen Mountains.] In, Mineralogicheskie Issledovaniya Endogennurkh Mestorozhdenii Urala. (Academiya Nauk SSSR- Uralskii Nauchnuri Tsentr) 44-53. (In Russian.)
8. Shafranovskii, G. I. (1982) [Graphite twins and triads.] Mineralogicheskii Zhurnal 4(1), 74-81. (In Russian with English summary.)
9. Shafranovskii, G. I. (1981) [New graphite twins.] Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obschestva 110, 716-720. (In Russian.)
10. Minkoff, I. (1979) Graphite crystallization. In Preparation and Properties of Solid State Materials, vol. 4. Morphological Stability, Convection, Graphite and Integrated Optics. Wilcox, W. R., editor. (Marcel Dekker, New York) 1-48. Includes figures 3 (also on the book cover) and 5 from Palache, 1941.
11. Munitz, A., and Minkoff, I. (1978) 45th International Foundry Congress Paper (Hungary). See Peiyue, Z., Rozeng, S., and Yanxiang, L. (1985) Effect of twin/tilt on the growth of graphite. In, The Physical Metallurgy of Cast Iron, Fredriksson, H. and Hillert, M., editors. MRS Symposium Proceedings, vol. 34. (North Holland, New York) 3-11.
12. Edwards, F. Z. (1976) The post Palache minerals. The Picking Table 17 (2), 6-10. ÒIt is quite evident that Palache's interest was primarily with the graphite crystals imbedded in the calcite. It is also probable that the specimens submitted by Dr. Bauer were all consumed by acid. At any rate, very few pieces of this occurrence may be found in collections today.Ó p. 7. "It should also be mentioned that equally scarce and much unappreciated are the graphite crystals which so intrigued Dr. Palache." p. 8.
13. Akhmatov, Y. S., Bunin, K. P., and Taran, Y. N. (1975) [Mechanism of formation of graphite spherocrystals in Fe-Ce melt.] Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR Seriya A- Fiziko-Matematichni Ta Technichninauki (5), 453-455. (In Russian.)
14. Nagornyi, V. G., Nabatnikov, A. P., Frolov, V. I., Deev, A. N., and Sosedov, V. P. (1975) [Occurrence of a new crystalline form of carbon.] Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii 49(4) 840-845. (In Russian.)
15. Akhmatov, Y. S., Taran, Y. N., Stepanchuk, A. N., Lisnyak, A. G., and Zaspenko, N. Y. (1974) Structure and mechanism of growth of graphite crystals with different genetic origins. Russian Metallurgy- USSR (4), 58-60.
16. Skinner, J., and Gane, N. (1973) The deformation and twinning of graphite crystals under a point load. Philosophical Magazine 28, 827-837.
17. Frondel, C. (1972) The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill: A Check List. (Wiley-Interscience, New York) p. 58. ÒTiny but unusually perfect graphite crystals have been found in acid-insoluble residues of the marble-- see Palache (1941).Ó
18. Double, D. D., and Hellawell, A. (1969) The structure of flake graphite in Ni-C eutectic alloy. Acta Metallurgica 17, 1071-1083.
19. Gmelins Handbuch der Anorganischen Chemie (1968) System-nummer 14. C- Kohlenstoff. Teil B, Lieferung 2. Das Element: Graphit. (Verlag Chemie, GMBH, Weinheim/Gergstr.) 409, 412. (In German.)
20. Austerman, S. B., Myron, S. M., and Wagner, J. W. (1967) Growth and characterization of graphite single crystals. Carbon 5, 549-557.
21. Baker, C., Gillin, L. M., and Kelly, A. (1966) Twinning in graphite. Second Conference on Industrial Carbon and Graphite. (Society of Chemical Industry, London) 132-138.
22. Amelinckx, S., Delavignette, P., and Heerschap, M. (1965) Dislocations and stacking faults in graphite. In, Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Walker, P. L., Jr., editor. (Marcel Dekker, New York) 1-71.
23. Thomas, J. M. (1965) Microscopic studies of graphite oxidation. In, Chemistry and Physics of Carbon, Walker, P. L., Jr., editor. (Marcel Dekker, New York) 121-202.
24. Freise, E. J., and Kelly, A. (1961) Twinning in graphite. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) A 264, 269-276.
25. Kennedy, A. J. (1960) Dislocations and twinning in graphite. Proceedings of the Physical Society (Great Britain) 75, 607-611.
26. Academiia Nauk SSSR. Institut Geologii Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii, Petrografii, Mineralogii i Geokhimii. (1960) Mineraly; Spravochnik, vol. 1. (Izd-vo Academii Nauk SSSR, Moscow) 69-75. (In Russian.)
27. Foster, L. M., Long, G., and Stumpf, H. C. (1958) Production of graphite single crystals by the thermal decomposition of aluminum carbide. American Mineralogist 43, 285-296.
28. Platt, J. R. (1957) Atomic arrangements and bonding across a twinning plane in graphite. Zeitschrift fŸr Kristallographie 109, S.226-230.
29. Palache, C., Berman, H., and Frondel, C. (1944) The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, Yale University 1837-1892. Seventh edition, vol. 1. (John Wiley and Sons, New York) 152. Includes figures 3 and 5 from Palache, 1941.