1.Professional Engineer in Michigan
2.NARTE Certified EMC Engineer (2005-2013)
Work History (Reverse Chronology)
name Jeremy P. Bos
location Houghton, MI USA
job Assistant Prof. Electrical Engineering, Engineer, Scientist
subjects Image and Signal Processing, Atmospheric Optics
Employer: General Motors
Dates: January 2007 to October 2009
Senior Project Engineer, Short Range Wireless Systems
Cadillac User Experience: Technical Specification of Feature Implementation
Vehicle to Vehicle Communication Systems: Lead Product Development Engineer
Employer: Johnson Controls Automotive Experience
Dates: August 2002 to January 2007
Title (Multiple):
Hardware Engineer (RF), EMC Lab Manager, RF Test Site Manager
PIFA Antenna Design
Bluetooth System Engineering and Test
FCC Certification for Homelink UGDO Products
FCC Certification for Bluetooth Handsfree Products
Global Product Compliance Manager
Manger of A2LA/ISO EMC Lab
Employer: Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems
Dates: December 1999 to August 2002
Title (Multiple):
Antenna Design Engineer
Reflector Antenna Design and Validation for Echostar 7
Validation, Testing and In-Orbit Testing of Newskies 7
Novel Ka-Band antenna system design for Rainbow-1