Research Assistant openings (Spring'18 and Fall'18)

The successful candiate is expected to do research work in computer system, including architecture, operating system, and system designs and optimizations for Big Data analytics. More specifically, the potential research projects are: OS and architecture optimizations for the emerging NVM, heterogenous computing, system designs for Big Data analytics. This position is fully supported. The ideal candidate is expected to have:

  1. Highly self-motivated
  2. Major in CS, CE or EE.(Excellent candidate majored in Math,Physics or Engineering also considered.)
  3. Strong problem analysis and solving ability
  4. Solid background on the computer system
  5. Strong C/C++ programming skills
  6. System related research/project experience is a plus.

Jianhui joined the Department of Computer Science at Michigan Technological University in summer 2017. He graduated with a Ph.D. from University of Maine 2012. His research focus on designing computer systems for emerging memory devices from the architecture and operating system perspective and embraces system designs optimization for the emerging computations such as Big Data analytics. Jianhui's research programe is being funded by NSF. For more information please visit:

If you are interested, please send your CV, transcript, and/or publications (if any) to: