Exercise - Use Decision Trees for Classification
Goal: Create a decision tree model for classification.
Data and Starter Code
The initial data and starter code is available here to download and save to your Desktop. Unzip this file here.
Software - Python Jupyter Notebook
To perform this analysis, we will make use of Jupyter Notebooks. Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Notebooks support many programming languages including Python, R, Julia, Scala, and many more.
Python and Jupyter have already been installed for your user accounts. If you are interested in installing these resources on your own computer, check out the following information.
Start Jupyter Notebook
You will need to open a Terminal Window
Applications -> Favorites -> Terminal
Start the jupyter notebook with the following command
cd ~/Desktop/syp-download/
jupyter notebook