Edward M. Nadgorny - Dislocation Dynamics Study in Materials
Some results on the in-situ studies of dislocation motion by the HVEM are described in more detail in:
- F. Appel, H. Bethge, and U. Messerschmidt, Dislocation motion and multiplication at the deformation of MgO
single crystals in the high voltage electron microscope, Phys. Status Solidi (a) 42, 61-71, 1977.
- F. Appel, U. Messerschmidt, E.M. Nadgorny, and S.I. Zaitsev, Interaction between dislocations and point
obstacles: a comparison of the interaction parameter distribution obtained from computer simulation and in situ high
voltage electron microscopy straining experiments, Mater. Sci. Eng. 52(1), 69-74, 1982.
- F. Appel, M. Bartsch, U. Messerschmidt, E.M. Nadgorny, and S.N. Valkovskii, Dislocation motion and
plasticity in MgO single crystals, Phys. Status Solidi (a) 83(1), 179-194, 1984.
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