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"Effective Color Contrast: Designing for People with Partial Sight and Color Deficiencies."

Big Type is Good Business

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Designing for People with Partial Sight

by Aries Arditi, Ph.D 

This brochure contains basic guidelines for making effective legibility choices that work for nearly everyone.

How does impaired vision affect reading?

Impaired vision often makes reading difficult by:

  • Reducing the amount of light that enters the eye
  • Blurring the retinal image
  • Damaging the central portion of the retina best suited to reading
Light reduction and blurring reduce the effective contrast of the text, while central retinal damage impairs the ability to see small print and to make eye movements that are crucial to reading.

basic guidelines

1. Contrast

 Text should be printed with the highest possible contrast. There is good evidence that for many readers who are older or partially sighted, light (white or light yellow) letters on a dark (black) background are more readable than dark letters on a light background. However, the traditional dark on light may be aesthetically preferable.


Not as effective

2. Type Color

Very high contrasts are difficult to achieve with color combinations other than black and white. Printed material, generally, is most readable in black and white. Different colors may be important for aesthetic or other reasons, but it is better to use such combinations only for larger or highlighted text, such as headlines and titles.




Not as


3. Point Size

Type should be large, preferably at least 16 to 18 points, but keep in mind that the relationship between readability and point size differs somewhat among typefaces.

  This type size is effective.

    This type size is not as effective.


  This type size is effective.

    This type size is not as effective.


4. Leading

Leading, or spacing between lines of text, should be at least 25 to 30 percent of the point size. This is because many people with partial sight have difficulty finding the beginning of the next line while reading.
Leading, or spacing between lines of text, should be at least 25 to 30 percent of the point size. This is because many people with partial sight have difficulty finding the beginning of the next line while reading.

Effective Leading


Leading, or spacing between lines of text, should be at least 25 to 30 percent of the point size. This is because many people with partial sight have difficulty finding the beginning of the next line while reading.

Not effective leading

5. Font Family

Avoid complicated, decorative or cursive fonts and, when they must be used, reserve them for emphasis only. Standard serif or sans-serif fonts, with familiar, easily recognizable characters are best. Also, there is some evidence that sans-serif fonts are more legible when character size is small relative to the reader's visual acuity.

Roman typefaces are effective.

Decorative typefaces are not as effective.


  Sans-serif typefaces are effective.

    Condensed typefaces are not as effective.


6. Font Style

While there is little reliable information on the comparative legibility of typefaces, there is some evidence that a roman typeface, using upper and lower cases, is more readable than italics, oblique or condensed.

   Upper and lowercase type is effective.

   Italic type is not as effective.


   Upper and lowercase type is effective.

   Italic type is not as effective.


7. Letter Spacing

Text with close letter spacing often presents difficulties for readers who are partially sighted, especially those with central visual field defects. Where possible, spacing should be wide. Monospaced fonts rather than proportionally spaced fonts seem to be more legible for these readers.
Picture showing that letters in a word that have more space between them are more readable than letters that have less space between them.


8. Margins

Extra-wide binding margins are especially helpful in bound material because it makes it easier to hold the volume flat. Spiral binding can be helpful as well. Many visual devices, such as stand- and video-magnifiers, are easiest to use on a flat surface.
Picture showing that a book with one inch margins is more readable than a book with half inch margins.


9. Paper Finish

Paper with a glossy finish can lessen legibility because many people who are older or who have partial sight also have problems with glare.

A non-glossy finish is effective.

A glossy finish is not as effective.

10. Distinctiveness

Visual impairment often makes it difficult to find a book or other document that is buried among similar publications, especially for sets with volumes that differ only in title or number. Use of distinctive colors, sizes and formats on the covers can be especially helpful to older individuals and those who are partially sighted.







Designers can help to compensate for the difficulty experienced by readers who are partially sighted by following the guidelines in this brochure.

Lighthouse International has a companion brochure entitled "Effective Color Contrast: Designing for People with Partial Sight and Color Deficiencies."

Follow this link to find out about Lighthouse International's Large Type Campaign


©1995-1997 The Lighthouse Inc.

©1999 Lighthouse International. All rights reserved.

This brochure was written by Aries Arditi, Ph.D, this brochure is based on studies conducted at the Arlene R. Gordon Research Institute and other research centers.

Arlene R. Gordon Research Institute

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