Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Second edition by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Prentice Hall Series in Artificial Intelligence, 2003 |
Please check out the book's web
I will ask you to read sections from this textbook. I will also be
assigning exercises from it.
This is the new edition of the book. It came out this year.
I will be handing out extra references as we go into advanced topics.
Assignments and project | 50% |
Midterm exam | 25% |
Final exam | 25% |
The final grade will be calculated using a sliding scale using the percentages
There will be both essay-type and programming assignments. While discussion with others is permitted and encouraged, the final work should be done individually. You are allowed to build on material supplied in the class. You are not allowed to work in groups. The answers, comments, and programs must be the original work of the author. I will be asking for the complete list of references you have used in completing the assignment.
If copying, plagiarism, or unauthorized collaboration is suspected, the case will be turned to the Dean of Students' office with supporting evidence. The procedure is outlined in the MTU Academic Integrity Policy. We also have a departmental policy of reporting the cases to the Department Chair's office.
There will be no make-up exams. In the case of very unusual circumstances (e.g., death in the family, severe illness with doctor's written note), please come to see me and we can work something out.
Collaboration or dishonesty during the exams is not acceptable and will be reported to the Dean's office (see above section).