Formation of ash Eruption Columns GSD Particle Fall Ash Blankets Meteorology and fall Direct Sampling
Remote Sensing Models of Ashfall Case Studies Textbooks and References
Formation of ash Eruption Columns GSD Particle Fall Ash Blankets Meteorology and fall Direct Sampling
Remote Sensing Models of Ashfall Case Studies Textbooks and References
Formation of volcanic ash
Explosive vesiculation --The explosion of overpressured gas bubbles in magma, in response to changing conditions associated with the rise of magma from depth.
Sparks, R. S. J., 1978, The Dynamics of Bubble Formation and Growth in Magmas: A Review and Analysis: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 3, p. 1-37.
Dingwell, DB, 2001, Magma degassing and fragmentation, in From Magma to Tephra, ed by A Freundt and M Rosi Elsevier:Amsterdam
Parfitt, EA and L Wilson, 2008, Fundamentals of Physical Volcanology, Ch 5 Volatiles, Blackwell, Malden MA USA
Fuel coolant (hydrovolcanic) -- Explosions associated with magma/water contact and energetic steam formation.
Wohletz KH, 1983, Mechanisms of hydrovolcanic pyroclast formation: size, scanning electron microscopy, and experimental studies. In: Explosive Volcanism (MF Sheridan and F Barberi, Eds) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 17: 31-63.
Milling or comminution -- Abrasion of ash in pyroclastic flows and on conduit walls.
Dartevelle S et al, 2002, Origin of the Mount Pinatubo climactic eruption cloud:Implications for volcanic hazards and atmospheric impacts, Geology v. 30; no. 7; p. 663–666
Rosin-Rammler and Weibull distributions:
Components of ash
Magmatic: Glass, crystals, phenocrysts, microcrysts, groundmass/microcrystalline material
Lithic: Phreatic, accidental, conduit walls, others
Volcanic ash is finely divided magma, with a diameter of <2 mm. It forms in eruptions from at least three distinct mechanisms
Chaiten 2008 ash
Augustine ash P Izbekov
Spreadsheets from Chuck Conner that are very useful for learning (download):
Software for Numerical Models of Phreatomagmatic Explosions from K Wohletz