Carnegie Museum Seminar:
Livin in the Keweenaw Woods

Carnegie Museum monthly seminar series for 2016 – 2017

The Carnegie Museum of the Keweenaw, located in downtown Houghton, hosts monthly seminars about the natural history of the Keweenaw Peninsula.  All seminars are held in the recently restored Community Room on the ground level of this historic building. Lectures are free, open to the public, and barrier free (wheelchair accessible).

The Museum aims to develop deeper interaction between people and the cultural and natural history of our region. Event organizers, Susan Martin and Bill Rose, note "The Keweenaw is a very special environment, and it guides our lives. The connection we feel is strongly influenced by Lake Superior and other geological elements, as well as our cultural history.  In exploring our region's natural history, we will ask 'What is the future of the Keweenaw?’ 'How are people living with changing conditions?’,  What are elements of high quality human experience here?’ " 

For each monthly lecture (usually on the third tuesday of the month), the museum will open at 6:30 for refreshments; lectures and discussion occur from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Sponsored by local businesses, each lecture features a different leader in the field of a natural history heritage.  Please contact the Museum for further information, 906-482-7140.
Elise Nelson, Director (
Carnegie Museum (
On the corner of Huron & Montezuma
Houghton, MI mailto:elisen@cityofhoughton.commailto:history@cityofhoughton.com