Lake Annie
Lake Annie
Lake Annie
Lake Annie
Apple Maps
This is a pristine, privately owned, kettle lake that is slowly evolving to become a bog. It is surrounded by outwash deposits and a gravel quarry has been operating there for more than a decade. It is possible to visit both but permission must be requested and the quarry is concerned about liability issues when the quarry is active. Lake Annie is a spectacular jewel with a classic succession of ecosystems surrounding the lake core--a very calm environment. The quarry exposes bedded post glacial stream gravels, cobbles, boulders, pebbles, sands and silts, showing a typical outwash deposit, mostly above the water table. In the past such occurrences were used as landfills, but this practice is now more regulated to protect groundwater.
Two track trail to Lake
Quarry Entrance
Locked Gate on two track