Fault Trip Details
Keweenaw Geoheritage Field/Boat Trips--
July 21-31, 2014

July 23-24 Keweenaw Fault   
This trip is to see and understand the Keweenaw Fault, a massive thrust fault which was the locus of hundreds of high magnitude earthquakes and which split the peninsula lengthwise and uplifted rocks, including copper, to a place where people could find it.
We will visit the Fault along the Keweenaw shore at Keweenaw Point and Bete Grise and then Mt Bohemia, Gratiot Lake, Trap Rock Valley, the Natural Wall, Hungarian Falls, the Quincy Mine and the Pilgrim River Valley. Click on Green words below for more content.

What’s included:  Van and Boat transport and lunch. No overnight costs covered. Vans may be joined in Houghton one hour before the meeting time and transport back to Houghton from the end point each day is available to those who want/need it.

Day 1 (July 23) Visiting Expert: Prof Greg Waite  
8:30 am: meet at Haven Falls.
9:30 am: Board Agassiz at Lac la Belle Marina, visit High Rock Bay and Keystone Bay (Mesquite Wreck), return past Fish Cove and Mt Houghton to Bete Grise. Use underwater camera below Bare Bluff to trace Keweenaw Fault along lake bottom.  Continue to Bete Grise Landing. Arrive ~12:30.
12:30 pm: Lunch at Bete Grise Beach.
1:15 pm: To Lake Gratiot area.
3:00 pm: Hungarian Falls and the Fault. (Walk 0.4 miles, easy but possible wet feet!)

Day 2 (July 24) Visiting Expert: Robert Barron
8:30 am:  meet at Lake Linden Park (turn off M-26 at 2nd St, opposite the Hardware store) in Lake Linden.  
9:00 am Drive to Old Colony Road, and walk to Natural Wall Ravine (0.1 miles in forest--feet may get wet!)
10:30 am: To Nara Center and Pilgrim River fault sites.
12:30 pm:  To Peterson’s Fish on Quincy Hill for lunch.
1:15 pm Quincy Mine tour: Surface and Underground, the Hancock Fault. Walk 0.5 mi, (wet feet in Mine!)

What to bring:  Several layers for wind and cold conditions, possible rain? But it could be warm also! Strong sneakers or light hikers for shoes. Camera! Good spirits. Questions.http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/The_Faulthttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~gpwaite/http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/The_Fault/Haven_Falls.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/BlackLavas/High_Rock.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/%7Eraman/SilverI/Lake/Keystone_Bay.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/The_Fault/Fish_Cove.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/BlackLavas/Mt_Houghton.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/%7Eraman/SilverI/Lake/Bete_Grise.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/BlackLavas/Bare_Bluff.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/%7Eraman/SilverI/Lake/Bete_Grise.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/The_Fault/Gratiot_Lake.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/The_Fault/Hungarian_Falls.htmlhttp://www.admin.mtu.edu/urel/breaking/2002/boulder.htmlhttp://www.lakelinden.net/marina.phphttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/The_Fault/Nat_Wall.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/HoughtonEC/Pilgrim_Kew_Fault.htmlhttp://www.exploringthenorth.com/petersons/fish.htmlhttp://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/BlackLavas/Quincy.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1shapeimage_3_link_2shapeimage_3_link_3shapeimage_3_link_4shapeimage_3_link_5shapeimage_3_link_6shapeimage_3_link_7shapeimage_3_link_8shapeimage_3_link_9shapeimage_3_link_10shapeimage_3_link_11shapeimage_3_link_12shapeimage_3_link_13shapeimage_3_link_14shapeimage_3_link_15shapeimage_3_link_16shapeimage_3_link_17
Haven Falls
Keweenaw Pt Cruise
Mt Houghton
Montreal River          
Fish Cove
Mesquite Wreck
High Rock Bay

Bete Grise Beach
Bete Grise Landing
Gratiot Lake Landing
Park Here

Trail Entrance
Upper Trail 
Lower Trail  
The Fault

Plunge Pool
Bigger River
Nara Center Fault site
Fault Outcrop

Hapapuura Rd
Quincy Steam Hoist
Quincy Adit

Steve Trynoski

Steve Trynoski