Silver Winter

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. 

Any fool can do it.

There ain’t nothing to it.

Nobody knows how we got to

The top of the hill.

But since were on our way down,

We might as well enjoy the ride.

    --James Taylor

She looked him over carefully, she said, "You're kinda thin, 
But you must have some courage if it's true you are a Finn. 
Now I'm not particular about men, and I am no prima donna, 
But I would never marry one who would not take a sauna!"

They jumped into her pickup, and down the road they drove. 
And 15 minutes later they were stokin' up the stove. 
She had a flask of whiskey, they had a couple toots. 
And went into the shack and got into their birthday suits.

She steamed him and she boiled him until his skin turned red. 
She poured it on until his brains were boiling in his head. 
To increase his circulation, and to soften up his hide. 
She cut a couple birch boughs, and she beat him till he cried....

       --Garrison Keillor