Volcanic ash is removed from earth’s atmosphere much more rapidly than sulfur.
Volcanic ash is removed from earth’s atmosphere much more rapidly than sulfur.
Chaiten 2008 ash
Ashfalls resemble blankets, covering existing topography with layers that generally thin with distance from the vent. From an atmospheric and aircraft hazard perspective, it is important to know how much fine (diameter <60 microns) and very fine ash (< 30 microns) is erupted.
Readings on remote sensing of ash:
Ash detection methods, Wen & Rose, 1994
Patterns of volcanic cloud evolution Rose et al 2001
Ash retreivals, Schneider et al, 1999
successive examples Guo et al 2004
Tracking Volcanic Clouds Carn et al 2008
Remote sensing studies have shown that ash, even fine and very fine ash gets removed in a day or two, even from stratospheric volcanic clouds.
18 May 1980
D Miller
More Information about Super-eruptions:
Secondary Issues:
Geological Record of Supereruptions
Calderas and Silicic Complexes
Transport to Troposphere and Stratosphere