Students I have worked with
Students I have worked with
MS Students
Bennett, R.A., 1971 - The Composition of Some Precambrian Felsic Volcanics Associated with Massive Sulfides, Northeastern Ontario-Northwestern Quebec (funded by DeWitt Smith Scholarship).
Garcia, F.R., 1972 - Late Paleozoic Metamorphism in the Paramo de Los Torres Area, Estado Trujillo, Venezuelan Andes (funded by the Venezuelan Government).
Barlow, Roger, 1973 - Major and Minor Element Geochemistry of the Archean Volcanic Rocks of the Southern Knee Lake Area, Manitoba (funded in part by Barringer Research Co.).
Lamb, Henry J., 1973 - The Use of Multiple Regression Methods in Predicting the Gold Values in Mina Panteon, El Limón, Nicaragua: An Epithermal Gold-Silver Vein Type Deposit (funded in part by Empresa Minera de El Sententrion, Nicaragua).
Johns, Glen W, 1974 - The Geology of the Cerro Quemado Volcanic Dome Complex, Guatemala (funded by McAlister Foundation and NSF).
Hahn, Gregory A., 1976 - Interbasin Geochemical Correlation of Genetically Related Rhyolitic Ash-Flow and Airfall Tuffs, Central and Western Guatemala (funded by NSF and Michigan Tech Fellowship).
Gierzycki, Glenn A., 1976 -Geology and Geochemistry of Three Andesitic Stratovolcanoes, Colombá Quadrangle, Guatemala (funded in part by NSF).
Grimes, James G., 1977 - Geochemistry and Petrology of Keweenawan Rhyolites and Associated Rocks, Portage Lake Volcanics, Michigan.
Woodruff, Laurel G., 1977 - Contrasting Fractionation Patterns for Magmas from Two Calc- Alkaline Volcanoes in Central America (funded by NSF).
Drexler, John W., 1978 - Geochemical Correlation of Rhyolitic Tephra in Central America with Deep-Sea Ash Layers (funded in part by NSF).
Martin, Dennis P., 1979 - Historic activity of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala: Constraints on the Nature of the Subsurface Magma Body and Processes Therein (funded by NSF and HEW Fellowship).
Fultz, Lawrence A., 1979 - Sr isotopic determinations of Guatemalan basalts (funded by NSF and HEW Fellowship).
Peterson, Paula S., 1980 -Tephra of the Laguna de Ayarza Calderas of Southeastern Guatemala and Its Correlation to Units of the Guatemalan Highlands (funded by NSF and HEW Fellowship).
Stuart, Edmund J., 1980 -Distribution of Uranium and Associated Elements in the Soldier Meadow Tuff, Northwestern Nevada (funded partly by the Center for Mining and Mineral Research).
Chesner, Craig A., 1982 -Geochemistry and Evolution of the Fuego Volcanic Complex, Guatemala: Constraints on Magma Chambers at Fuego and Other Nearby Volcanoes (funded by NSF).
Wunderman, Richard L., 1982 - The Amatitlán Cauldron, Guatemala (funded by NSF).
Halsor, Sid P., 1983 - A Volcanic Dome Complex and Genetically Associated Hydrothermal System, Delamar Silver Mine, Owyhee County, Idaho (funded by MAPCO Minerals and AIME Fellowship).
Kopydlowski, Paul J., 1983 -Geology and Geochemistry of the Oak Bluff Volcanics, Michigan (funded partly by HEW Fellowship).
Longo, Anthony A., 1984 - A Correlation for a Middle Keweenawan flood basalt: the Greenstone Flow, Isle Royale and Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan (funded by Mining Center Fellowship).
Wolfe, Steven P., 1984 - Au and Ag content of fresh, Quaternary, calc-alkalic andesites (funded by Anaconda Minerals Co.).
Symonds, Robert B., 1985 - Volcanic Gases and Cation Volatility from Merapi Volcano, Indonesia (funded by NSF).
Chartier, Torrie, 1986 - Release of gas from shallow magma bodies under the East Rift zone of Kilauea (funded by NSF and USGS).
Capaul, William A., 1987 - Volcanoes of the Chiapas Volcanic belt, Mexico (funded in part by NSF).
Graff, Charles W., 1988 - The Iron-rich brecciated volcanic rocks of the Hemlock Formation, Iron County Michigan (funded partly by HEW fellowship).
Holasek, Rick E., 1989 - Digital image processing of volcanic eruption clouds using AVHRR weather satellite sensors (funded by NSF).
Keating, Gordon, 1991 - Simulation of water/seawater interaction at Augustine Volcano, Alaska (funded in part by NSF).
Schneider, David J.,1992 - Digital image analysis of AVHRR weather satellite images, Redoubt Volcano, Alaska (funded by NSF, NASA, NOAA and USGS).
Schueller, Deborah, 1994- Hypercard-driven Guide to the Seaman Mineralogical Museum (funded by the Heinrich endowment)
Kimberly, Paul, 1995- Changing volcaniclastic sedimentary patterns at Santa Maria Volcano, Guatemala, detected with sequential thematic mapper data, 1987-95 (funded by NSF)
Delene, David 1995-Remote sensing of volcanic clouds using Special Sensor Microwave Imager Data (funded by NASA and UCAR/COMET)
Green, Barry 1995- Volcanic Risk Map of Santa Maria, Guatemala (funded by VCAT, USGS)
Shocker, Heather, 1996- Evolution of Volcanic clouds from the 1993 Lascar, Chile eruption (funded by NASA)
Shannon, Jeremy, 1996- 3D Reconstruction of the Mount Spurr volcanic clouds using AVHRR, TOMS and wind trajectory data (funded by NASA)
Riley, Colleen,1996-A paleomagnetic study of movement along a fault in the Hilina Fault System, South flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (funded in part by Kleinman fellowship, USGS)
Pullinger, Carlos,1997-Evolution of the Santa Ana Volcanic Complex, El Salvador (funded in part by NSF, USGS)
Sofield, Darrell 1998, Volcanology and Hazards, San Salvador Volcano, El Salvador (funded in part by NSF and USGS)
Dolan, Michael T, 1998, Observations and sampling of lahars along the Sacobia-Bambam Rivers, Mt Pinatubo, Phillipines (funded in part by NSF and Phivolcs)
Constantine, Emily, 1998, Remote Sensing of the August 1991 Cerro Hudson Volcanic Clouds (funded by NASA and NSF)
Gari C Mayberry, 1999, Dynamics of the volcanic and meteorological clouds produced by the December, 26, 1997 eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, WI--(funded by NASA and NSF)
Oscar Sorensen III 2003, Lahar hazard modeling at Tunguragua Volcano, Ecuador (funded by VCAT/USGS, Kleimann and MTU fellowships).
Demetrio Escobar, 2003, Hazards of San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador (funded by USGS-VCAT/OFDA).
Escobar Wolf, Rüdiger 2007, Timing of activity and the paleomagnetic record, at Volcán de Santa María, Guatemala: application of detailed 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. (funded by NSF)
Anna Colvin, 2008, Crater Lake Evolution during Volcanic unrest: Case study of 2005 the Phreatic Eruption at Santa Ana Volcano, El Salvador (funded by NSF).
Owen P Mills, 2008, Comparison of 3D Stereo SEM Shape Data With 2D Projections and BET Surface Area Data for Volcanic Ash: When 3D Might Be Advantageous
Ellen Engberg, 2009, SO2 emissions at Colima Volcano, 2003-2007 (funded by FIPSE/EHaz fellowship).
Ingrid Fedde, 2009, Application of Probabalistic Tools and Expert Elictitation for Hazard Assessment at Volcán de Colima, México (funded by NSF and FIPSE/EHaz).
Adam Blankenbicker, 2009, Small vulcanian eruptions at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala, characterized by Video Observation and velocity analysis (funded by NSF and EHaz)
Karinne Knutsen, 2009, La Yeguada Volcanic Complex, Western Panama: An assessment of volcanic hazards using new 40Ar/39Ar age dates (funded by NSF)
Ruben Otoniel Matias Gomez, 2010, Volcanological Map of Pacaya Volcano eruption of 1961-2009 (funded by NSF)
Julie A Herrick, 2010, Recurrent Voluminous sector collapses at Volcan Baru, Panama (funded by NSF)
Hans N Lechner, 2010, Differential GPS as a monitoring tool on Volcan Santa Ana (Illamatepeque) and the Coatepeque Caldera, El Salvador (funded by NSF)
Jesse Silverman, 2010, “The need obliged us”: culture as capacity during the Hurricane Stan Emergency Response. A case study from Tectitan, Guatemala (funded by NSF)
Kyle Brill, 2010, Characterization of Harmonic Tremor at Santiaguito Volcano and Its Implications for Eruption Mechanisms (joint with GP Waite, funded by NSF)
Lara Kapelanczyk, 2011, An eruptive history of Maderas volcano using new 40Ar/39Ar ages and geochemical analyses (funded by NSF)
Valeria Cigala, 2013, Fossil bubbles in porphyritic basaltic pyroclasts produced by small and large strombolian eruptions at Pacaya, Guatemala (INVOGE, joint with Lucia Gurioli)
Nicola Mari, 2015, The duration and complexity of magma mixing may influence explosivity at two mafic subduction zone volcanoes: Fuego and Pacaya. (INVOGE, joint with Chad Deering)
Josep Cabré Brullas, 2016, Are the fossil bubbles trapped in ash, lapilli and bombs capable of providing the same fragmentation imprinting? Answers from Fuego volcano, Guatemala (INVOGE joint with Lucia Gurioli)
PhD Students
Scofield, Nancy, 1977 - Mineral Chemistry Applied to Interrelated Albitization, Pumpellyitization, and Native Copper Redistribution in Some Portage Lake Basalts, Michigan.
Drexler, John W., 1982 - Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Miocene Volcanic Rocks Related to the Julcani Ag-Au-Cu-Bi Deposit, Peru: Physiochemical Conditions of a Productive Magma Body (funded by NSF).
Chesner, Craig A., 1988 -The Toba Tuffs and Caldera Complex, Sumatra, Indonesia: Insights into Magma Bodies and Eruptions. (funded by NSF).
Halsor, Sid P., 1988 - A Comparative Study of Andesite at Three Stratovolcanoes Lake Atitlán, Guatemala: Insight into Closely Spaced Plumbing Systems (funded by NSF).
Symonds, Robert B., 1990 - Applications of multicomponent chemical equilibria to volcanic gases at Augustine Volcano, Volcanic Halogen Emissions and volcanological studies of gas-phase transport (funded by NSF).
Andres, Robert J 1991 - Remote Sensing of Volcanic H2O, CO2 and SO2 (funded by NSF).
James Vallance 1995 - Experimental and field studies related to the behavior of granular mass flows and the characteristics of their deposits (funded by NSF).
Conway, F Michael 1994 - Construction Patterns and timing of volcanism at the Cerro Quemado, Santa María and Pacaya Volcanoes, Guatemala (funded by NSF).
Carrasco-Nuñez, Gerardo , 1993 - Structure, Eruptive History and some major hazardous events of Citlaltépetl Volcano, Mexico (funded by Mexican Government and NSF)
Graf, John C. 1994 - A Geotechnical Characterization of Lunar soils and lunar soil simulants (funded by NASA and MTU fellowship)
Andrew Pilant 1996 - Remote Sensing of Ice and Snow, Lake Superior region (Funded by NASA Global Change Fellowship)
Schneider, David J., 2000-Two band infrared remote sensing of volcanic clouds (funded by NASA Global Change Fellowship)
Yu, Tianxu, 2001-Improved algorithms for volcanic cloud remote sensing (funded by NASA and NSF)
Colleen Riley, 2002-Investigation of Volcanic Ash Fallout (funded by NASA Fellowship)
Sebastien Dartevelle, 2003-Numerical and Granulometric Approaches to Geophysical Granular Flows (funded by NSF)
Gu, Yingxin, 2004-Atmospheric particle retrievals using satellite remote sensing: Applications for sandstorms and volcanic clouds (funded by NASA and NSF)
Guo, Song, 2003-Pinatubo's climactic 1991 eruption from a satellite perspective (funded by NASA and NSF)
Durant, Adam J, 2007-On Water in Volcanic Clouds (funded by MTU, NASA and NSF)
Lyons, John, 2011, Dynamics and Kinematics of Eruptive Behavior at Fuego Volcano 2005 - 2009 (joint with GP Waite, funded by NSF)
Escobar-Wolf, Rüdiger P, 2013, Volcanic Processes and Human Exposure as Elements to Build a Risk Model for Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala (funded by NSF)
Mark Klawiter, 2015, K-12 Science Teacher Professional Development Strategies: Content Enrichment and Lesson Design, Classroom Implications, and Evaluation. (funded by NSF-MSP MiTEP)
Luke Bowman, 2015, The 2009 Lahar Disaster at San Vicente Volcano, El Salvador: Vulnerability, Resettlement and Disaster Risk Reduction (funded by NSF).
Erika Vye, 2016, Geoheritage of the Keweenaw (funded partly by NSF).
I have been able to work with dozens of wonderful students during every day of my work here at Michigan Tech. This is a list of students which I supervised or helped supervise. It does not include a much larger number of grad students that I helped as a grad committee member, taught in class or just argued with. And it doesn’t include more than a thousand undergraduate students I have taught in 45 years here. I was not an overbearing teacher---these people did what they did because I didn’t bother them, mostly. Even after my “supervision, most of them are still successful people, so I didn’t damage them too much.
Graduate Student Supervisor (All at Michigan Tech; 1970-2016)
23 Ph D students completed
57 MS Students Completed