Course Protocol: Below I have provided a week-by-week schedule of readings and written assignments. Where possible, I have included links to electronic versions of the texts we will read. For each week's reading, I will provide an introduction and, where there are electronic texts, hypertext links with comments on the texts. Each week you will be expected to read the assigned texts and to respond with micro-essay "positions" (critiques, comments and/or discussion questions) on the course WebBoard by Thursday at 8:00 AM Central U. S. time. Subsequent responses to the initial positions can be posted throughout the week. I have provided some sample positions from a similar previous course for your examination. Overview
of the Course |
First Week:
Micro-essay Position due Jan 25 |
Second Week: Micro-essay
Position Due Feb 1 Suggested Further Reading: |
Fourth Week:
Micro-essay Position Due Feb 15 |
Fifth Week: Micro-essay Position
Due Feb 22 Suggested further reading: |
Sixth Week: Micro-essay
Position Due March 1 Suggested Further Reading: |
Seventh Week: Micro-essay
Position Due March 8 Netforum Exchange with Jerry Phillips March 9-10 Other Readings, TBA |
Spring Break
Eighth Week: Micro-essay
Position Due March 22 Recommended Further Reading: |
Ninth Week: Micro-essay
Position Due March 2 Recommended Further Readings: (Netforum exchange with Barbara Foley March 29-30) |
Tenth Week: Micro-essay Position Due April 5: Intro to
10th and 11th Week Readings: Postmarxism Recommended Further Readings:
Eleventh Week: Micro-essay Position Due April 12: Laclau and Mouffe, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy, 93-148 |
Twelfth Week:
Micro-essay Position Due April 19 Suggested Further Reading: Also of interest: R. Hennessy, "Feminist Standpoint as Ideology Critique" |
Thirteenth Week: Micro-essay
Position Due April 26: R. Hennessy, Materialist
Feminism and the Politics of Discourse, Chapters 3- 4 |
Fourtheenth Week: Post abstract of final paper to Netforum by May 2
Netforum Responses to final paper abstracts by May 5 (You may respond to one particular abstract or to several at once).
Final Paper Due May12