‘Westminster’, 12-string, wire-strung
This Westminster 12 is based on small wire-strung harps like the one depicted in the wall paintings in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey and references to the small cláirseacha carried by Irish clerics. This is my variation of Tim Hobrough’s ‘Westminster’ and ‘G12’ (made with his permission). In my version, the back is inset and the soundbox, including the integral string-band, is carved from a solid piece of wood.
The usual woods used for this instrument are those shown in the photo: Pennsylvania Cherry for the arm and pillar and linden for the soundbox.
Approximate length along pillar side: 18 inches
Recommended tuning (at A=440): diatonic, c’-g’’
please request price quote
(with yellow brass or red brass strings*)
(add shipping and tax, if applicable)
‘Aldbar’, 15-string,
I designed this instrument in response to requests for a small harp with a c’-c’’’ range. The shape of the instrument is based a 9th or 10th c. Pictish stone from Aldbar in northeastern Scotland (inset image, upper right). Similarly shaped harps also appear in later manuscript illustrations (such as a mid-thirteenth-century French Bible MS London, British Library, Yates Thompson 24, fol. 251, shown in the lower inset.)
The soundbox is carved from a solid piece of wood. The back is glued on and reinforced with small wooden pins (as were used on some lyres).
Approximate length along pillar side: 27 inches
Recommended tuning: diatonic, c’-c’’’
*Usually strung in nylon this harp can be restrung in gut or PVF, please request a price quote.
At the time of posting, Alice was really busy with orders for custom-made instruments, so none of the instruments shown below were available. Please contact us to find out if the instrument that you are interested in is available now or, if not, what the estimated delivery time would be. Please also feel free to contact us to ask about different possible tunings or stringing for the models shown below or to order a custom-made instrument to suit your requirements.
‘Mathilde’, 19-string
This is my most popular harp model. The tall, narrow, shape resembles both early-renaissance harps and some 12th & early 13th-century manuscript sources. This harp was designed to optimize the performance characteristics of low-twist gut strings, which is probably why people think it sounds ‘big’. It also works well when strung with nylon or PVF. The soundbox is carved from a solid piece of wood and the back is inset.
Approximate length along pillar side: 36.5 inches
Recommended tuning (at A=440): diatonic, g-d’’’ or f-c’’’
*This harp can be restrung in gut, please request a price quote
please request price quote
(with nylon strings*)
(add shipping and tax, if applicable)
(listed from smallest to largest)
please request price quote
(with nylon strings*)
(add shipping and tax, if applicable)
‘Etienne’, 19-string
This is the smaller of my two standard 19-strung harps. Harps of this shape instrument are found in images across Europe throughout most of the Middle Ages (such as in the illustration from the Hunterian Psalter, inset). This harp is preferred by players who would like a smaller 19-string harp that sits on the lap. The Etienne is also a more convenient size for traveling and has a more delicate lute-like sound. The soundbox is carved from a solid piece of wood. As with most of my harps, the back is inset.
Approximate length along pillar side: 30 inches
Recommended tuning (at A=440): diatonic, g-d’’’
*Usually strung in PVF, this instrument can be restrung in gut, please request a price quote.
please request price quote
(with monofilament PVF strings*)
(add shipping and tax, if applicable)