1. Academic ability: student has high college grade point average. 2. Communication skill: the student writes well, is comfortable making oral presentations, and is able to communicate effectively with people that have different job functions. 3. Leadership ability: the student has held leadership positions in student organizations or on project teams. 4. Hands-on ability: the student has tinkered with machinery or electronics as a hobby or job, or grew up in an environment where these skills were required (such as a farm). 5. Teaming ability: the student has done many team projects and works well with others. 6. Prior work experience: the student has engineering intern or co-op experience. 7. Multicultural experience: the student speaks a foreign language, has lived or worked in another country, or has worked with culturally different people. 8. Creative ability: the student “thinks outside the box”, has worked on inventions, or is involved in artistic pursuits. 9.Ethical reasoning: the student had a course in professional ethics and demonstrates an ability to see technological solutions in a broader context. 10. grp