--- title: "Power Analysis" author: "Shane T. Mueller shanem@mtu.edu" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmdformats::readthedown: gallery: yes highlight: kate self_contained: no pdf_document: default html_document: df_print: paged word_document: reference_docx: ../template.docx always_allow_html: yes --- ```{r knitr_init, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE} library(knitr) library(rmdformats) ## Global options options(max.print="75") opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, cache=TRUE, prompt=FALSE, tidy=TRUE, comment=NA, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE) opts_knit$set(width=75) ``` # Introduction to Power Analysis Power analysis is a set of methods for forecasting and understanding the Type-II error rate of an analysis. Most of the time, if we are doing inferential statistics on a data set using a traditional test such as a t-test, we care about the $p$ value, which estimates the Type I error, or false alarm rate. This reduces the chance of concluding we have a significant difference when one really doesn't exist. Standard inferential tests ignore Type II errors completely--the chance of failing to find a significant result if it actually does exist. This often makes sense, because so much of experimental science works in the direction of inflating Type I error. For example, if you run an experiment and it fails to reach a p=.05 criterion and thus fails to support your favorite hypothesis, you might collect more observations or subjects and see if that is really the case. It is not hard to see how this can lead to mistaken outcomes. If you have a null result, you might instead want to know how likely this finding was. It could have failed for several reasons: 1. It might have failed because the effect really exists and you messed up something, a measure is unreliable, coded incorrectly, etc. 2. It might have failed because the effect does not exist. 3. It might have failed because the effect really exists but you did not collect enough data. If possibility 1 is true, then we need to use our knowledge within the discipline to improve the situation. But how can we distinguish between #2 and #3? One of the tools for this is power analysis, referring to methods to deal with, estimate, or control Type II error. Most resources cite a book by Cohen (1988) as the comprehensive source on this concept: Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. ## Challenges for doing power analysis Power analysis is a forecast. We need some basis for determining how reliable our measures and how large of an effect we expect to have before we can do a legitimate forecast. But if you have a well-understood method, you can often just use your past sample sizes to justify new experiments---if you have a personality questionnaire and found that you needed 500 participants to establish a reliable correlation with behavior, of if you used some interface manipulation and found that 15 participants produced a reliable difference on a usability instrument, you can pin new studies to that sample size and probably be successful. When you are using a novel procedure, a novel population, a novel instrument/questionnaire, power analysis is the most useful, but also the most difficult to do. The most critical thing you need to assess is the effect size you expect, based on past experiments. Often, you will need to look across a variety of studies and come up with a conservative estimate based on them. For example, for one student's Master's thesis, she was testing a new procedure on older adults. Other researchers had tested the older procedure on both young and old adults, and she had previously tested the new procedure on young adults. To forecast the number of participants, she looked across all of these experiments and identified their effect sizes, and conducted power analyses based on a reasonable guess. I've also seen researchers use another strategy---Cohen and others have published interpretations of effect sizes, such as a Cohen's D of 0.3 is small, a value of .7 is moderate, etc. Sometimes in order to complete a power analysis, researchers simply assert something like "we expect this manipulation to have a small effect size, so we conducted a power analysis using D=.3". This seems to be barely better than saying "We thought we needed a sample size of 50 to find the result, so we used a sample size of 50". ## The risks and costs of using underpowered (and overpowered) studies There are a number of direct and indirect risks and costs that could occur if you don't do a power analysis. Some include: - Using a study that is underpowered means you are wasting resources. If you know you have a 20% chance of finding a result if it really existed, you are really just gambling, not conducting a legitimate test. - If you are actually right about the effect size and you run an underpowered study, then if you find a result it is more likely to have arisen because of random chance or other mistakes. - If you fail to find a significant result, you might overweight the null hypothesis. - A smaller sample size will include more variability in means, and especially if you conduct multiple tests, you might be more likely to find spurious results - You may be tempted to conduct several small underpowered studies rather than one larger correctly powered study. This will escalate the chance of a false positive, and so it will subvert the p-value calculations and is a form of p-hacking. Furthermore, it is exacerbated by the fact that non-significant results rarely get published. - If you don't plan the experiment upfront, you also subvert the p-value calculations, because you essentially allow yourself a stopping rule--collect observations until I either find the result or run out of time/money/patience. - When you publish a paper, it is becoming more common to report power analysis you did because this helps the reader understand whether the results (especially the null results) were likely to have been found in the study being reported. If your power analysis showed you needed 100 participants to produce a result, but you only collected 25, and you did not find the result, there is really very little you can conclude from the study. - If you use too large of a sample size, you are obviously also wasting resources. In addition, you are more likely to detect small meaningless differences as significant. You should target an effect size that you think is meaningful. For example, you might want to know whether the fontface, color, or font size of labeling or instructions has an impact on the usability of a device or advertisement. In some cases, it might be really easy to collect thousands of respondents, which would mean that you could detect a statistically significant difference that is very small. It is almost certainly true that there is likely to be some true difference, but you need to think about what is the reasonably smallest practical difference you are interested in. You might end up determining dark blue instruction fonts lead to 1% better understanding than black, and that this is a statistically significant difference, but hardly meaningful. # Illustrating the logic of power analysis for a two-sample t-test Suppose we have a phenomena with true but small between-group difference. We collect 100 observations in each of two groups. ```{r} library(ggplot2) set.seed(100) groupA <- rnorm(100,mean=10) groupB <- rnorm(100,mean=10.5) t.test(groupA,groupB) ``` This effect is very strong, and we can detect in with a large experiment. But suppose collecting data is very expensive, and you could only collect 10 in each group: ```{r} t.test(groupA[1:10],groupB[1:10]) ``` So, this test was not statistically significant; even though the means were actually very close to the true means of the groups. We would like to know how likely we would have been to find a null effect in an experiment this size. What is the chance of finding a significant difference if we ran experiments of size 10? Let's simulate this by running 10,000 experiments: ```{r} results <- rep(NA,10000) for(i in 1:10000) { groupA <- rnorm(10,mean=10) groupB <- rnorm(10,mean=10.5) results[i] <- (t.test(groupA,groupB)$p.value<.05) } mean(results) ``` There turns out to be less than a 20% chance of finding the result with 10 participants. What if we doubled this to 25 samples in each group? ```{r} results <- rep(NA,10000) for(i in 1:10000) { groupA <- rnorm(64,mean=10) groupB <- rnorm(64,mean=10.5) results[i] <- (t.test(groupA,groupB)$p.value<.05) } mean(results) ``` Now, this roughly doubles to about 40%. This is good, but still a bad gamble. Instead of simulation, these values can be calculated exactly using assumptions about distributions, and this is what power analysis does. Generally, we want to be able to say that we have an 80% chance of finding a result if it really exists, or a power of .8. Although there a few power analysis functions in the Base R, we can use the `pwr` library to do this. All of the `pwr` functions take at least four arguments, but we only provide three and the remaining one will be computed. These include: - sample size - effect size - significant level (p-value; Type-I error rate) - power (1 minus Type-II error rate) # Estimating power Some of the specific power functions will also take other arguments, such as whether the test is one-sided or two-sided. In this case, since we conducted the experiment already, let's try to estimate the power. To do so, we need to compute the effect size. In the case of a t-test, we use Cohen's d--the standardized difference between means, or $\delta/sd$. The `pwr` library by Stephane Champely will do many power calculations for you, although there are many on-line tools available and other custom software available in other packages. We need to provide the effect size--the number of standard deviation units apart the means are. In our example earlier, it was .5. So let's redo the calculation exactly: ```{r} library(pwr) pwr.t.test(n=10,d=.5,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t.test(n=25,d=.5,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) ``` The power for these two tests was .185 and .41. But what if we want to find out the sample size needed for a power of .8? ```{r} pwr.t.test(n=NULL,d=.5,sig.level=.05,power=.8) ``` Here, we learn we would need 64 observations in each group. This is a lot more than we might have expected. We often calculate d from data that already exists. Here is an example using ```pwr.t2n.test```, which allows us to have different sample sizes for the two groups. It can also plot the test to look at the tradeoff space: ```{r, fig.width=10,fig.height=4} d <- abs(mean(groupA[1:10])-mean(groupB[1:10]))/sd(c(groupA[1:10]-mean(groupA[1:10]), groupB[1:10]-mean(groupB[1:10]))) library(pwr) pwr.t2n.test(n1=10,n2=10,d,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) test <- pwr.t.test(n=10,d,sig.level=.05) test ##plotting the test shows trade-off of sample size to power: plot(test) ``` We can specify the power analysis with either of these functions, where n is the number in each group. Here, we can see that with a .05 significance level and the results we found, we'd expect a power of .25. This is a 75% chance of making a Type-II error. That is, in the experiment we ran, 75% percent of the time that there was a true difference of the size we measured, we'd expect that we would fail to find it. # Estimating sample size We might decide that we need to run another experiment based on this one. Supposing we have the same effect size, how many subjects would we need? The rule of thumb for power analysis is typically that we seek to have a test with power of 0.8--we want an 80% chance of finding the effect if it really is there, with a p-value of .05--a 5% chance of finding an effect that is not there. The pwr.t2n.test won't work well, because it lets N1 and N2 differ, so we ca only use ```pwr.t.test```: ```{r} test <- pwr.t.test(d=d, sig.level=.05, power=.8) test plot(test) ``` This suggests that we really need to collect 44 participants in each group to stand a good chance of finding the result. If this study cost \$200 per subject, we have just determined that it will cost \$9,000 to run the study, which may be out of our budget and thus not worth doing. Instead, we might take a look at our measures and try to find ways to produce larger effect sizes; maybe via a within-subject design or with a more reliable set of measures (like with double the number of observations or items). # Estimating Effect size So we have determined that our experiment won't work. Suppose that we have enough money to run 20 subjects in each group in our new experiments. ```{r} test <- pwr.t.test(sig.level=.05, n=20, power=.8) test plot(test) ``` This is good news. If we can find a way to cut the variability of our test roughly in half and increase the effect size to .9, we would be able to find the effect with 20 participants. # Estimating p-value Another way to look at it is to ask about the type-I error rate fixing the other parameters. This might be more appropriate in practical non-scientific settings, where you need to conduct a study to make a decision, but your managers have determined that the amount you can spend on the test is limited because it has to be paid for by the amount you expect to benefit by from choosing the better design (interface, method, device, product, food, etc.). This would not be acceptable in a scientific context, but it might be acceptable for A/B testing of web sites or products. ```{r} test <-pwr.t.test(n=20, d=.6, power=.8, sig.level=NULL) test plot(test) ``` Here, we can see that the significance level is .29, which is actually about the same $(1-power)$. If we split the difference, we can see they are about equal: ```{r} test <- pwr.t.test(n=20, d=.6, power=.76, sig.level=NULL) test plot(test) ``` So, if we know we have an effect size of .6 and can only afford to test 20 people in each group, then by picking a p-value of .24, we have a power of .76. Here Type I and Type II error rates are essentially equal. This means that if one option is better, we will see it 3/4 of the time and if the options don't differ, we will see no difference 3/4 of the time. If you could further quantify the costs and benefits of each type of error, you could make other decisions that will optimize the test design. ## Unequal sample sizes Out of curiosity, we saw the ```pwr.t2n.test``` function earlier, which allows us to have different sample sizes for the two groups. Let's say we have one group that is difficult to collect data for (a patient population or an older adult population), and we want to compare to a control group that is easier to collect data for (students). If we know we can collect 10 of the special population, how much does adding participants to the control group help? ```{r} pwr.t2n.test(n1=10,n2=10,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t2n.test(n1=10,n2=50,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t2n.test(n1=10,n2=100,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t2n.test(n1=10,n2=200,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t2n.test(n1=10,n2=500,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) ``` The answer is, not much once we get past about 50. But what if we had 100 in the larger group and wanted to know how valuable additional special population groups will be: ```{r} pwr.t2n.test(n1=10,n2=100,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t2n.test(n1=15,n2=100,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t2n.test(n1=20,n2=100,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) pwr.t2n.test(n1=25,n2=100,d=.8,sig.level=.05,power=NULL) ``` Even bumping from 10 to 15 participants has a huge impact. # Overview of power calculation for particular tests within pwr. Power can be computed for a number of tests - pwr-package Basic Functions for Power Analysis pwr - cohen.ES Conventional effects size - ES.h Effect s ize calculation for proportions - ES.w1 Effect size calculation in the chi-squared test for goodness of fit - ES.w2 Effect size calculation in the chi-squared test for association - plot.power.htest Plot diagram of sample size vs. test power - pwr Basic Functions for Power Analysis pwr - pwr.2p.test Power calculation for two proportions (same sample sizes) - pwr.2p2n.test Power calculation for two proportions (different sample sizes) - pwr.anova.test Power calculations for balanced one-way analysis of variance tests - pwr.chisq.test power calculations for chi-squared tests - pwr.f2.test Power calculations for the general linear model - pwr.norm.test Power calculations for the mean of a normal distribution (known variance) - pwr.p.test Power calculations for proportion tests (one sample) - pwr.r.test Power calculations for correlation test - pwr.t.test Power calculations for t-tests of means (one sample, two samples and paired samples) - pwr.t2n.test Power calculations for two samples (different sizes) t-tests of means ## Power for t-tests The above examples show how to calculate power fo independent-sample t-tests, either with equal or unequal numbers of groups. If you have a paired-samples or one-sample t-tests, you can specify the type argument to make those calculations: ```{r} ##Calculate power of a two-measure within-subject test pwr.t.test(n=50,d=.4,sig.level=.05,type="paired") pwr.t.test(n=50,d=.4,sig.level=.05,type="two.sample") ##Calcualte power of one-sample test--determine whether the mean is different from 0. pwr.t.test(n=50,d=.4,sig.level=.05,type="one.sample") ``` ## Power of correlations For correlations, the $R$ value IS the effect size (or more properly $R^2$, the total proportion of variance accounted for). In many personality experiments, inter-scale correlations will have a maximum correlation of about 0.3. How many participants would we need to measure if this were true? ```{r} test <- pwr.r.test(n=NULL,r=.3,sig.level=.05,power=0.8) test plot(test) ``` This is a lot larger than many people's intuition. The plot shows that with if we had collected only 50 participants, the power dips to close to .5. What if we expect a slightly smaller correlation of 0.25? ```{r} test <- pwr.r.test(n=NULL,r=.25,sig.level=.05,power=0.8) test ``` Suppose we had a study of 1000 participants and found a correlation of about +.05, which was not significant. What was the power to detect true differences of this size in our experiment? ```{r} set.seed(100) x <- runif(1000) y <- x + runif(1000)*50 cor.test(x,y) test <- pwr.r.test(n=1000,sig.level=.106,power=NULL,r=.05) test plot(test) ``` # Power in One-way ANOVA and F tests For general ANOVA tests that we might use in regression or ANOVA, the pwr.f2.test or pwr.anova.test are used. The effect size these tests use is $f^2$, where $f^2 = {{R^2}\over {1-R^2}}$ (don't be confused with the actual $F$ value.) To use this, we need to know the degrees of freedom associated with the test. Notice that if $R^2$ is very high, you $f^2$ will be very high. If $R^2$=.5, $f^2=1.0$. The pwr library includes some lookup functions to help you judge what might be considered a large versus small effect size: ```{r} cohen.ES(test="f2",size="small") cohen.ES(test="f2",size="medium") cohen.ES(test="f2",size="large") ``` Here, size is relative, because an f2 of .35 would be an R\^2 of around .25, which is a correlation of around .5. So, suppose we had an ANOVA/ F test with 4 conditions (maybe a 2x2), and 100 total participants. This would be reported as F(3,96), which specified our degrees of freedom. ```{r} set.seed(100) groups <- rep(1:4,each=25) out <- groups *.3+ rnorm(100) dat <- data.frame(out=out,group=as.factor(groups)) model <- aov(out~group,data=dat) model summary(model) ggplot(dat,aes(x=group,y=out))+geom_violin() ``` Results are a bit ambiguous--the p-value is 0.13--not really strong evidence for a lack of an effect. To calculate $f^2$, we could either make an lm or do it by hand: ```{r} r2 <- cor(out,model$fit)^2 print(r2) f2 <- r2 / (1-r2) f2 ``` Now, f2 is .06. How many participants would we have to have run to find a significant effect? ```{r} pwr.f2.test(u=3,f2=.0603,sig.level=.05,power=.8) ``` v=180--almost twice as many! # Power for Chi-squared ($\chi^2$ ) tests ## Chi-squared test of 'goodness of fit'. Normally, we use a $\chi^2$ test to compare two sets of proportions. The effect size it uses is w, which can be computed using the ES.w1 function. Suppose we observed a set of rolls of dice (300 rolls), and we suspect that the die may be biased. How many times would we have to roll it to be confident it was fair? ```{r} table <- cbind(c(0.1652, 0.1302,0.1435, 0.1702,0.1853,0.2053), rep(1,6)/6) ES.w1(table[,1],table[,2]) ``` The effect size is about .15. Notice that in the example above, we are comparing a fair die to one that is unfair. Since each element of the table represents a different outcome, we are testing whether the one distribution matches the null (equal-probability) distribution and we use ```ES.w1```. ```{r} test <-pwr.chisq.test(w=.15,df=5,sig.level=.05,power=.8) test plot(test) ``` This suggests that for a die with a bias that we observed, we'd need N=571+ to detect the bias 80% of the time, and probably around 1000 rolls to detect it 95% of the time. This might be worthwhile if you were a casino trying to ensure there is no small bias in the dice you purchase that could be used by a player to gain an advantage against the house. ## Chi-squared test of association The other effect size calculation ```ES.w2``` is useful in slightly different situations. Don't get the two confused because they produce different values. ES.w1 assumes that the null hypothesis is the first argument (i.e., equal probability), whereas ES.w2 assumes that the null is the model that would be produced if the rows and column margins were independent. In the example vignette, the demonstration for ES.w2 does not really make any sense, but the effect size for ES.w2 is comparing the observed vs the independent outcome, whereas ES.w1 is just comparing the second distribution to the first. # Direct test of Proportions If you have accuracy data or some proportion, you might want to do a power test to see how large of a sample you need to find a difference. For example, if you have an accuracy of 75%, compared to one of 80%. You use the pwr.2p.test for this, but need to use ES.h to calculate the effect size h. ```{r} es <- ES.h(.8,.75) es test <- pwr.2p.test(h=es,sig.level=.05,power=.8) test plot(test) ``` So, 5% difference might require more than 1000 observations per group to be sure to find. Most two-category data sets will obey this principle. This includes tests of whether gender differs by major, conversion rate in A/B testing, etc. # Power for BayesFactor or other tests The power analysis library really just performs an analytic calculation based on the statistical models being used, but you could estimate the same thing via monte carlo simulation. For complex models, analyses, and the like you may need to do that yourself. I do not know of a power analysis function for bayes factor, but we could simulate it. For example, for our groupA/groupB comparison before, we can see that the full data set produces a large Bayes factor (173) but the small data set produces no substantial difference (.77): ```{r} library(BayesFactor) ttestBF(groupA,groupB) ttestBF(groupA[1:10],groupB[1:10]) ``` Let's calculate the effect size based on our pilot experiment of 10 participants in each group: ```{r} library(effectsize) cohens_d(groupA[1:10],groupB[1:10]) cohens_d(groupA,groupB) ``` This shows d=.62, which is close (but a little larger) than the d for the larger population. We can do some simulations to see the distribution of Bayes Factors for an effect size of .62, across different sample sizes: ```{r, cache=TRUE} samplesizes <- c(10,25,50,100,150,200) ##size of experiments reps <- 250 ##number of experiments to sample data <- data.frame(samplesize=rep(samplesizes,each=reps), reps=rep(reps,length(samplesizes)), BF=NA) for(i in 1:nrow(data)) { if(i%%100==0) print(paste(i ,"of",reps*length(samplesizes))) #sample data points g1 <- rnorm(data$samplesize[i],mean=0,sd=1) g2 <- rnorm(data$samplesize[i],mean=.62,sd=1) data$BF[i] <-ttestBF(g1,g2) } ``` We can look at the distribution of Bayes factors. Suppose we choose a criterion of log(BF)=+3 as the equivalent of power: ```{r} library(ggplot2) ggplot(data,aes(x=as.factor(samplesize),y=log(BF))) + geom_violin(fill="gold")+facet_wrap(~reps) + geom_abline(intercept=3,slope=0) + theme_minimal() ``` We can examine the probability of finding such a result by counting how many experiments in each case pass that criterion: ```{r} library(tidyverse) data %>% mutate(success=log(BF)>3) %>% group_by(samplesize,reps) %>% summarize(meanBF=mean(log(BF)),meanSuccess=mean(success)) %>% pivot_longer(cols=meanBF:meanSuccess) %>% ggplot(aes(x=samplesize,y=value)) + geom_point()+geom_line() + facet_wrap(~name,scales="free") + theme_bw() ``` If you did such an analysis, you could report you performed a monte carlo simulation to evaluate the probability that a Bayes Factor t-test produced a value of at least 3.0 using a D=.62, and found that a experiments with 100 in each group produced this effect approximately 80% of the time, and that the mean $log(BF)$ in for experiments of this size was 7.5. # Other power calculations the pwr package includes several other power calculation functions that are useful in some particular situations, but we won't otherwise cover here. The same logic we used for the BayesFactor test could be used for any test that is complicated enough that a pwr function is not available.